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3 Ways Sober Living Houses Can Help a Drug Addict in Recovery

3 Ways Sober Living Houses Can Help a Drug Addict in Recovery

When you quit drinking or using drugs, everything seems to get better. When you are on your way of getting rid of these addictions, there is always a fear relapsing after the treatment. It is because after drinking heavily for many years being dependent on drugs, it becomes challenging to live your life without them. This is something sober living can help you learn how to live your life sober by amazingly transiting your life and thought process. 

What is sober living?

Sober living is also called a sober home or sober housing. They are temporary arrangements to help the drug addicts prevent relapsing after getting the inpatient treatments from a rehabilitation center. Sober homes independently or with the collaboration of drug rehabilitation centers. Some rehab centers have a sober housing system as a part of their treatment as well.

They are much more like a prison with unlimited freedom where edits are locked up and trained to spend their life once they are recovered. They are told about the pros and cons of drugs relaxing and how we can avoid the early temptations after getting out of sober houses. The average time an addict spends in a sober living home is about six months to 1 year.

What are the benefits of sober living homes?

Recovery is a time taking process, so while one is attending rehab programs for detox therapies, he is required to visit sober houses or stay there for some time to go through transitional arrangements to help him recover fast and avoid the temptations for distractions from alcohol and drugs. 

These transitional houses are built to reinforce the sober life skills of the addicts through their training programs. Sobriety brings plenty of benefits other than keeping the addict away from the substances. Let’s have a look 

  1. Guidance and support

At sober arrangement houses, patients are always surrounded by people who support their recovery and are held accountable for their daily activities. This includes other fellow patients, doctors, psychologists, nursing staff, and some family members on some specific days.

Someone is always present with the patient to help him with the potential issues that arise during the recovery, such as cravings, emotional changes, trouble to find a good job once they are recovered, or the feeling of loneliness.

The staff is the illumine who knows what it is like to experience education and go through the treatments; therefore, they offer the best advice when the patient needs it most.

  1. Alcohol and drug-free environment

These management houses have alcohol and drug-free environments to ensure that all residents live a happy, healthy, and sober life without depending on drugs, whether it is street or prescribed. There are some rules which include no alcohol or drug use, curfew each night, regular drug tests, and therapy sessions with the psychologist. 

Moreover, there are specific hours when the patient can go outside to keep the environment as consistent as possible.

  1. Restore the skills of independent life

When a person becomes addicted to any substance, he forgets his responsibilities and obligations. He even gets healthy, going to his work, keeping himself or his place clean, maintaining good relationships (personal and formal), and maintaining personal hygiene.

 Sober livings bring all these features back to the resident’s life during the treatment. Patients are told the importance of these things to help them self-establish time and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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