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5 Tips to Improve Memory and Cognitive Function

5 Tips to Improve Memory and Cognitive Function

Everybody forgets information from time to time. It could be a doctor’s appointment or a familiar name in a conversation; occasional memory lapses are common. It isn’t determined by your age, as people of all ages experience memory slips. However, forgetfulness can get more severe with age, and older adults are more likely to develop neurological illnesses. Cognitive growth isn’t limited to babies or young children. As you age, your brain still constantly functions, making it possible to improve your brain health. There isn’t a formula for boosting your cognitive development, unlike your physical health. Experts believe that often making healthy changes in your diet and lifestyle can positively influence your memory and cognitive functions. Healthy habits are vital for an excellent brain, as they play a crucial role in preventing mental decline.

Factors That Contribute to Poor Brain Health

Genetics, age, and health conditions are considered the primary reasons for memory loss. Neurological conditions, such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s, are often considered a normal part of aging. Normal aging can impact your cognitive function, but it varies from person to person. Some individuals experience it earlier than others, proving the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Occasional forgetfulness is common in older adults, but it is a serious memory problem to experience it constantly and intensely. Heart diseases, thyroid diseases, and even dehydration can cause cognitive decline. On the other hand, mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, and sleeping disorders can gradually impair brain health. Some medicines have memory loss mentioned as their side effects, including specific types of antidepressants. Head injuries cause trauma in the brain, leading to short-term or progressive cognitive problems. An easily accessible cause of memory loss is alcohol. Reports have proven that heavy drinking contributes to conditions like dementia, which can be more harmful than other causes of poor brain health.

5 Tips to Improve Memory and Cognitive Function

Whether it’s short-term or long-term, memory loss can be extremely frustrating. Scientists believe that following a particular set of habits can improve memory and cognitive functions. If you’re trying to increase your brain health or prevent the development of brain diseases, following these five tips can be of great help.

Increase Physical Activity

The benefits of exercise on the body are well-known by everyone, but luckily it can save your brain, as well. Research has found that physically active people have fewer risks of developing Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Exercise increases the white matter and grey matter inside the brain, both of which are critical for a properly functioning brain. Symptoms of normal aging can be avoided through physical activities. Even if you have developed a condition like Alzheimer’s, aerobic exercise can improve the memory of people in the early stages of it. It is advised to engage in aerobic exercises, such as walking, for 30 to 60 minutes at least three times a week.

Sleeping Properly

Sleep deprivation will not only make your body feel exhausted, but your brain can experience problems, too. Sleeping is deeply connected to memory consolidation, which works best during consecutive sleeping. Several studies have shown that employees working night shifts have a higher chance of making errors, as lack of sleep impairs cognitive functions. Sleep plays a role in creating memories. Erik Pham, a highly-qualified writer and researcher has reported that sleep deprivation can increase the chances of creating false memories. Hence, it is important to get the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

Eat Healthily

Just like certain foods are good for weight loss, some foods can be beneficial for improving cognitive function. An overall healthy diet has numerous advantages on the body, including maintaining a healthy weight. With recent research, scientists found that obesity is also a cause of the cognitive decline. It increases inflammation and insulin levels, which contribute to memory problems. Some people believe that berries can help children score better in tests, while others think that following the Mediterranean diet can boost mental focus.


Meditation is a way to connect the body to the mind through different types of exercises. It can improve working memory and prevent cognitive decline while also increasing brain plasticity. A number of studies have proved that meditation can improve short-term memory and has helped relieve memory issues of people with cognitive conditions. It increases the blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, making it easier for the brain to retain information.

Drink Caffeine

Beverages like coffee or tea help people to wake up in the morning. Because of the high caffeine content, coffee can relieve tiredness in the morning. It is considered beneficial for your brain health, as people who drank coffee before tests performed better than others. It can help enhance long-term memory and increase alertness.


Memory and Cognitive health can be improved in several ways. Some people prefer eating brain foods, while others like supplements. Detailed reviews from doctors of such supplements are available on, making it easier for their readers to choose the right product. Your memory is an integral part of your life, so protecting it from damage should be your priority.

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