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6 Health Dangers Inhabiting Your Backyard

6 Health Dangers Inhabiting Your Backyard

A flourishing lawn can be a sight for sore eyes, especially if appropriately seeded, but even things that look lovely can be dangerous from time to time. You might not recognize these six health dangers inhabiting your backyard, but they can cause significant problems for you and your family. Understanding and eliminating health hazards can help you enjoy your backyard and beautiful lawn for years to come.

An unhealthy lawn

Healthy lawns are for more than just show. A healthy lawn can improve the air quality on your property, remove hidey-holes for snakes and rodents, and decrease your CO2 emissions. Unfortunately, an unhealthy lawn can do just the opposite. If your yard isn’t up to snuff, you could face mosquito-breeding standing water, bald patches, and creepy crawlies. 

One of the top ways to ensure that your lawn looks and feels its best is to mow it regularly and invest in top-shelf grass seed from providers like Nature’s Seed. You’ll also want to hit the sweet spot between keeping your lawn moist without overwatering it. 

Stagnant water

Stagnant water can be a significant health hazard that attracts dangerous pests like mosquitoes. Combat stagnant water by regularly emptying birdbaths, removing buckets of water from your property, and draining any water from the lawn. 

Insecure playground equipment

Both kids and adults benefit dramatically from playing outside, but insecure playground equipment could be disastrous to you and your children’s well-being. Over time, the equipment can shift or destabilize, making it dangerous for children. Test equipment regularly, especially after seasonal changes and thaws. You will want to make sure that the foundation isn’t cracked or warped in any way and that the metal isn’t rusting. 

Your grill’s location

Grilling is an excellent way to prepare food at home and even make delicious renditions of environmentally-friendly foods. While grilling can reduce your carbon footprint, it can also lead to problems in your backyard. Ensure that your grill is far away from anything that could catch on fire, like tree branches or a wooden deck.

It’s a good idea to put your grill in a designated spot, preferably on small rocks or stones, away from the house.

Unprotected swimming pools

Swimming pools are the perfect way to cool off in the summer months and can be fun for the whole family. Unfortunately, pools are also dangerous, especially for children and pets left unattended. Tragically, it’s easy for children to drown in swimming pools, so safeguard yours by constructing a fence and gate with a child-free lock.


Although there’s no concrete way for you to rid your backyard of insects, there are a few things you can do to keep children and pets safe. Discourage children from poking or disturbing hives or nests. Consider hiring professional exterminators to rid your home of wasps, hornets, or fire ants, and don’t leave standing water around to attract mosquitoes. You can also keep a healthy supply of bug spray near the door for venturing kiddos. 

Parting shot

These six health dangers can put a damper on how much you can enjoy your backyard. Fortunately, you can take steps to make your yard safer and more fun for everyone. That way, you and your family will be able to enjoy the great outdoors all year long. 

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