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Benefits of Corrugated Cardboard for Packaging

Benefits of Corrugated Cardboard for Packaging

The recycling of double-layer corrugated cardboard requires a degree of knowledge in specialized fields, but it can also be put to good use in different ways. In fact, when a user gets tired of one of its many uses — such as for envelopes and plastic products — cardboard can be turned into things as diverse as clothes hangers, brooms, office equipment and musical instruments. Moreover, in recent years, the users demand for a variety of consumer goods has caused an increase in the number of companies that specialize in the production and export of corrugated cardboard. Here are five of the many benefits of corrugated cardboard, and how it can be used:

1.    Circular Economy

Corrugated cardboard products can be recycled in all sorts of ways. In some cases, an outer corrugated cardboard box can be recycled in a similar manner to a plastic bottle. However, the cardboard itself can be recycled in much more specific ways, such as by separating out the panels, or by treating the corrugated cardboard to ensure its longevity. Double-layer corrugated cardboard, unlike plastic, can also be recycled on site, because it is made up of relatively inexpensive materials such as fiber. Click here to get quality corrugated cardboards:

2.    Extreme Flexibility

Corrugated cardboard can be used to create a wide range of products, in a variety of industries. Since it is light, compact and easy to transport, it can be used to make such things as folding chairs, soft toys, picture frames, walking sticks and all sorts of household goods.

3.    Low Cost

Double-layer corrugated cardboard, although expensive to produce, is much cheaper to buy and ship than other packaging materials. The profit margins of both the producers of packaging materials and the shipping companies transporting their products are very narrow, making the materials scarce and expensive. Because of this, corrugated cardboard is often used as a substitute for other kinds of packaging.

4.    Non-Toxic

Because Corrugated board is made up of a low percentage of toxic materials, its manufacturing process does not result in the emission of chemicals harmful to the environment. When recycled, corrugated cardboard products often have the lowest levels of chemicals in their recycled products, whereas plastic or glass products tend to emit significant amounts of chemicals. Corrugated cardboard, however, is also recyclable. When made of paper, a product made from it may even become compostable.

5.    Non-Flammable

The double-layer corrugated cardboard used for the packaging of goods can be made of several different types of material, including paper, fiber, wood, plastic, metal and composite plastic. The material used in corrugated packaging can be recycled in various ways and it is an easy-to-flammable thing. When plastic is made out of recycled plastic, it is treated to make it more durable and waterproof.


The idea behind corrugated cardboard is that it is more sustainable than other kinds of packaging, as it is made from a low-cost material and is recyclable. It is also lighter and more compact than other kinds of packaging and therefore easier to transport. Thus, in order to avoid unnecessary waste, many companies opt for corrugated cardboard for packaging their products.

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