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Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer After an Accident?

Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer After an Accident?

Injuries are common, and according to data from the NCH, 31 million people sought medical treatment for general injuries each year. As a cause of death, personal injuries rank in fourth place, and around 225k people die each year due to injuries.

The construction industry is one workplace where injuries are prevalent, with 958 serious injuries recorded in 2021, but car accidents are where injuries are most likely to happen, with people aged 19-44 most at risk.

Getting into any kind of accident can be traumatic, confusing, and costly. You may have injuries that require medical care, property damage that needs repairs, lost wages from missing work, and more. With all that’s going on, you may wonder if you should hire a personal injury attorney to help handle your accident claim and get you the compensation you deserve. Here are some things to consider when deciding if a lawyer is necessary after an accident.

Low Ball Offers from Insurance Companies

The insurance company is offering you less than you expected. Insurance providers will often make lowball offers to accident victims, hoping they’ll accept out of desperation. An experienced personal injury lawyer can accurately calculate the value of your claim and negotiate firmly on your behalf.

You Sustained Serious Injuries From the Accident

You sustained severe injuries in the accident. If an accident left you with debilitating injuries, chronic pain and discomfort, permanent disabilities, or other major hardships, a lawyer can help you seek additional compensation above and beyond basic medical expenses and property damage. These funds can assist with your recovery and living expenses. 

You Don’t Have Time to Handle a Personal Injury Claim

You don’t have time to handle it yourself. The insurance claims process involves lots of calls, letters, paperwork, and negotiations. If you’re busy recovering and tending to your responsibilities, working with a lawyer allows you to focus on healing while your attorney handles the personal injury claim. 

The Insurance Company is Playing Hardball

The insurance companies are giving you a hard time. If insurers are denying your claim, giving you ultimatums, or delaying negotiations, a tenacious lawyer can deal with them for you and get your claim back on track.

Reasons You May Not Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

The accident was minor. If it was a small fender bender with minimal damage and no injuries, you may be able to handle it yourself by working with your insurance company and the other driver’s insurer.

Making the Decision That’s Right for You

As with any major decision, weigh the pros and cons of hiring a personal injury lawyer based on the unique circumstances of your accident and claim. Do the research and calculations to determine if the costs outweigh the potential benefits. Meet with lawyers for free consultations. And listen to your intuition about what will serve you best. Managing an accident claim is stressful no matter what – the right choice is the one that helps you move forward while getting the maximum compensation you deserve.

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