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Everything You Need To Know About Erectile Dysfunction

Everything You Need To Know About Erectile Dysfunction

Sex education is still taboo in a lot of countries. Problems like erectile dysfunctions may be natural, but are treated as some kind of weakness and a personality trait. This problem is very common nowadays, with 10% of men aged 40-70 suffering from complete or acute erectile dysfunction. If you want to know if you have symptoms of erectile dysfunction or just trying to get some information about erectile dysfunction solutions, then you are at the right place. So, here we go, everything you need to know about erectile dysfunction.

What Exactly is Erectile Dysfunction?

As the name suggests, it is an inability to keep an erection long enough to have sex. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction are known as impotent. If you are having problems getting erect in long intervals, then it is no cause for concern as it is pretty common. However, If the problem is continuous, then it can be signs of erectile dysfunctions.

If you think that you have symptoms of impotence, then you should immediately try contacting your doctor. It may be a little embarrassing, but it can help out a lot. There are a lot of reasons for causing the problem but they can be easily curbed if you are not late.

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

Symptoms for this disease are not very specific. They can certainly happen to anyone. The problem lies in their consistency. Most common symptom of erectile dysfunction, as you may have guessed, is the problem of getting an erection. If you can have an erection but are having trouble keeping it, then you may also be suffering from erectile dysfunction. Not having a sexual desire for long periods of time is also considered as a symptom.

These symptoms can happen to everyone and if you are wondering when is the right time to contact a doctor, then here are some tips:

  1. If you are consistently having problems while having sex.
  2. You may also contact the doctor if you are having some other problems as well like premature ejaculation.
  3. Some heart diseases, diabetes, or some other health conditions can also cause problems.

It might seem difficult to contact a doctor as these problems are not talked about generally. You may try to start with a family doctor or some other familiar doctor. It will be easy to explain your problems then. You can also try online appointments as you can take them in your home or any other safe space, which will give you some confidence.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

The process of getting erect is a little more complicated than it may seem. Hormones, the brain, blood vessels, flow of blood, muscles, etc are involved in getting erect. A problem with any of these parts may cause the dysfunction. With physical aspects, some mental problems can also cause it. Namely stress, anxiety, and other mental health problems can also be the reason. A combination of both can also be the reason.

Some of the most common physical problems that lead to erectile dysfunction are heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, tobacco use, low testosterone, Parkinson’s disease, etc.

Some psychological problems like depression, anxiety, stress, or any other emotional problem with your partner can be the cause.

Some Preventions

A healthy and happy lifestyle is the way you can stop the problem. Here are some tips to prevent the disease:

  1. Stop smoking, use of illegal drugs, or extensive consumption of alcohol.
  2. Get help from psychiatrists regarding mental health problems.
  3. Regularly exercise.
  4. Get checked up from doctors regularly.
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