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Four Bedroom Themes That Can’t Go Wrong

Four Bedroom Themes That Can’t Go Wrong

The bedroom is a special place. It’s where you go to recover from a long day; where you allow your subconscious the freedom to roam. That’s probably why bedroom décor is so important – we want it to express our personality while also creating an atmosphere of rest. Bedrooms can have many colour schemes and personal touches, but making the ultimate decision is tricky: take the time to explore these four themes for more inspiration.


Minimalism can be divisive: you either love it or hate it. It can, however, create a bedroom that is clean, organised and conducive to calm. After all, when you wind down every night it helps to be in a space without too many distractions.

Research has suggested that minimalist décor can improve people’s mental and emotional health by eliminating stimuli that place undue stress on the brain. While this style usually calls for a muted palette, it can also be a foundation for an understated room with a touch of your own identity.


A vintage style of décor makes use of older furniture and decoration that are reminiscent of a bygone era – unlike retro, vintage items usually have some value and import and can include both decorative and functional objects.

If you go for a vintage-themed bedroom it can be lovely to balance an old-fashioned feeling with comfort and charm. Beds and dressers from thrift shops or even antique dealers can be spruced up and smoothed down, while bedding, floors and curtains are adorned in vintage-style patterns. A quilt always adds a dollop of charm to the room.


Our awareness and understanding of neurodiversity is growing, along with the realisation that living spaces can be adapted to support autistic people, for one example. Neurodivergent people aren’t the only ones who can enjoy a bedroom designed for sensory regulation though.

Many people don’t realise how intensely their senses respond to their surroundings and implementing some changes can open up a whole new sensory experience. In a bedroom this could look like extra-soft carpets or pillowcases, imaginative lighting, seating designed to fit the user (such as a giant beanbag) or an enclosed bed for an extra sense of security.


One would assume that all bedrooms should be comfortable, but there are a great number that seem to be designed with the opposite of comfort in mind. Of course, the concept of “comfort” differs from person to person, but certain elements guarantee a more soothing passage from wakefulness to sleep.

This style calls for décor that makes you feel at home. Maybe pictures from childhood or more recent mementoes of happy times with friends, or a reminder of when you won big with bet apuestas Argentina. Your sleeping needs should be catered to – whether you prefer total darkness or some light, fluffy carpet or wooden floorboards, focusing on comfort means cobbling together bits and pieces for their quality of cosiness rather than aesthetic synchronicity.

Sleep in style

No matter your taste in décor, the fact that you need a good night’s sleep remains the most important requirement – bear that in mind when putting together your dream bedroom.

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