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How To Create Your Own Personal Style

How To Create Your Own Personal Style

Too often we hear people say that they do not follow fashion. What does that even mean? Ask them and they will tell you that they do not wear what the runway or books tell them to wear. Even though this might be relevant, it should be considered relevant to a time. Because every piece of clothing that we wear, has at some point been high fashion.

The good news is that you do not need to ‘follow fashion’ to be able to create your own look and personal style. Having your own personal style can boost your confidence. It allows you to be more you in ways that you have only imagined. Your style doesn’t have to be flashy or bold or Gaga-esque. It can be whatever it is that you want it to be, as long as it is an extension of yourself.

From Your Closet To Fashion

You are obviously not going to throw out your entire closet. This could very quickly become very expensive. Instead, go through your closet. If you haven’t worn it in two years, chances are, you are not going to wear it again. Look at the clothing that makes you feel happy. Not because of memories attached to them, but simply those that make you feel like you.

The next step is all about that dreaded word – Fashion. This does not mean what is currently in fashion. It means that you should explore the fashion choice that interests you. This can be as simple as jeans and t-shirts or as complex in intricate as the dresses of Marie Antoinette. Find what clothes you like and try to match your closet, as close as possible to that, with what you have.

Planning Boards Are Key

With what you have left in your closet and with the vision of what you like, it is time to create a mood board for what you want to see yourself draped in. You can draw on the board, stick images or even staple pieces of fabric to it. This is so that you can get a feel for the look that you have chosen. It will guide you in more of a direction by narrowing things to a point. Then you can play for real money to ensure you have winnings to put towards new clothes!

Capsule Cupboards

This where the fun really starts. Having your vision and your existing clothes, you can now start shopping for a few more items that you will need to create your look. If you can sew, this is a good time to buy fabric and make a few items. The trick is to contain yourself and not go overboard. You want to create a capsule cupboard that gives you only a few options of things to wear.

The capsule cupboard is really just so that you can have a ‘test drive’ of your new style. Having a capsule cupboard allows you to keep all of your clothes while testing your new look. You could even have more than one capsule cupboard to test more than one style. Of course, nothing also stops you from combining the two capsule cupboards to create an ultimate unique fashion closet that is absolutely and uniquely you.

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