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Optimize Your Tech Solutions. The Skills and Inspiration You Need for Tech Success Today

Optimize Your Tech Solutions. The Skills and Inspiration You Need for Tech Success Today

For anyone working in the tech industry, you know things evolve very fast. Frameworks hit the top 10 industry lists and become the shiny new object for business owners.

New technology trends shift the industry as a whole. Can anyone even remember a pre-cloud computing world?

Staying successful in business and especially in tech means keeping up with the ever-shifting combination of the latest tech news, trends, hardware, and especially skills. So what can you do to help make sure you don’t find yourself left out in the cold?

Keep reading for our guide to staying relevant in this world of constant tech evolution.

Tracking Technology Trends

Technology trends often work in their own mysterious way, with technology seemingly exploding onto the scene overnight the same way some social trends go viral. Consider the case of TikTok.

While TikTok had its advocates, it was the pandemic and a certain viral sea shanty that really drove interest in TikTok and put it into the public eye.

While no one can keep up on everything happening in and on social media, you must still keep an eye on the space. Social media often proves fertile ground for identifying tech trends early. Recognizing these trends can help you prepare for the inevitable moment when someone says, why aren’t we on X social media site or doing X thing.

Keeping Up with Top Technology Ideas and the Lastest Tech News

Keeping up with top technology ideas is, thankfully, a little easier than tracking trends. You can typically get a good cross-section of the top ideas in tech by following a few tech-oriented sites and blogs.

You can also simplify your life by setting up news alerts for emerging tech. Today’s emerging tech scene is the bedrock on which tomorrow’s top technology ideas are born.

You should keep an eye out for news that follows the intersections between business, tech, and even law. For example, consider the so-called “Amazon Amendment.”

It was part of an appropriations bill that effectively told government agencies that they should source products through a company that ran an online portal. You can see how one company handled that here.

In one fell swoop, a new law turned procurement into a top tech idea.

In other cases, social changes can help drive tech ideas to the forefront. All of the additional online traffic caused by Covid showed many companies that their hardware-based networks weren’t up to the job. Suddenly, software-based networking is a hot idea for companies with big networks.

Minding the Latest IT Technology

Minding the latest IT technology can often prove tricky, depending on your exact job. For networking specialists, edge computing is a big deal. For your average web developer, edge computing isn’t such a big deal beyond a bit of improved performance for their website.

Barely a day goes by without some new article rolling out about quantum computing. Yet, for most people working in tech and most business owners, quantum computing isn’t relevant. Commercial applications of quantum computing are likely years, if not decades, away.

It’s fun to talk about around the water cooler, but it’s just small talk. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are meaningful topics for almost everyone. They touch everything from website design to business intelligence and analytics.

Where possible, focus on the technology that most directly affects your tech specialty or your industry for business owners.

Building Out Your Skillset

As technology becomes ever-more crucial for organizations of every type, more and more positions will require at least some tech knowledge. The good news is that you don’t need a degree in computer science to build out your skillset in tech.

You can leverage any one of several free or low-cost learning platforms to help you get a basic working knowledge of programming. If you’re really interested in computer science, you can delve into the topic through a variety of MOOCs offered by top-tier universities.

If you want to take things up a notch, you can pursue certifications in information technology specialties such as cybersecurity or networking. CompTIA offers a variety of certifications. You can also pursue company-specific certifications through companies as varied as Cisco, Microsoft, or even Amazon for its cloud services.

If you want a certification that will benefit your current employer, you can even talk with them about defraying or even covering the costs of the certification.


If you’re just starting in tech and looking for some level of job security. Cybersecurity is one of your safest bets. The cybersecurity industry is currently running at about a 3 million person shortage for current needs.

A shortage that big won’t resolve itself overnight or even over the next few years. A few of the big areas of cybersecurity you might consider include:

Of course, there is some overlap between these areas. Given the number of data breaches over the last few years, though, there is a legitimate need for cybersecurity experts.

If you’re interested in cybersecurity, consider whether you’re the right kind of personality. A cybersecurity specialist needs good composure, an interest in constant learning, and an analytic streak. If that sounds like you, it might prove worth a look.

Tech Optimization and You

Optimizing your tech solutions is about more than taking the advice of a managed service provider. Depending on your position, you need a basic understanding of the physical technology, the latest tech news, tech trends, and even some programming.

Some of this you can get through a careful selection of information sources, such as tech websites, news programming, and blogs. Some it can only come through informal or formal training.

Want a jump start on your competition in keeping up? Head over to our technology section for articles on trends, tools, news, and hardware.

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