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Recovering After a Breast Augmentation Surgery

Recovering After a Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is becoming one of the most popular cosmetic procedures today. It helps women all over the world feel more confident if they are satisfied with the results of the surgery.

Knowing what comes after can help you prepare for what can be a life-changing experience. Read on to know what to expect and how to recover from a breast augmentation procedure.

Breast Augmentation and Why It’s Done

Breast augmentation is a popular surgical procedure to increase breast size. It involves inserting breast implants under the chest muscles.

The process can help you:

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Knowing what to expect after the breast surgery can help reduce your anxiety about the procedure.

Every person’s body is unique, so there is no exact timeline for breast augmentation recovery. But according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), full recovery may take six weeks or so. ASPS is the largest cosmetic surgery specialty organization in the world.

The anesthesia from the surgery will likely make you feel groggy and sore. But the effects should wear off after a couple of hours. Make sure you have someone to drive you home and stay with you after the operation.

After three to five days, you will still feel the effects of the surgery. You might feel uncomfortable and in pain. Your doctor will likely prescribe painkillers to ease the pain for the first 72 hours.

Three days after the operation, you can use over-the-counter pain medication.

A week after the surgery, you can return to work if you do not have a labour-intensive job. But you will have to take it easy. You should slowly ease back into your regular daily routine and light exercise.

The discomfort or pain should be minimal by this point. Still, you have to avoid strenuous activities. Skip on running, jogging, long walks, heavy lifting, or intense workouts.

You will need to rest for three weeks after the operation if you have labour-intensive work.

Generally, patients are recovered and can resume all normal activities after two months.

In your follow-up appointment, your surgeon will check how you are recovering. Listening to their instructions is crucial to allow your implants to heal properly. This way, you can avoid possible complications.

You should also expect scarring. Any medical surgery comes with a scar or two, and this operation is no exception. But, thanks to modern advances in technology, scarring can be minimal.

That said, not all patients will have the same experience. Talk to a plastic surgeon before undergoing the procedure. This way, you will know what to expect after breast augmentation.

Undergoing Safe Breast Augmentation Surgery

Consulting a plastic surgeon is crucial before you undergo any cosmetic surgery operation. Talk to them about your preferences for the feel, size, and appearance of your breasts.

Make sure to review all written information. Look up the manufacturer of the implant you will be getting and bring it up with your surgeon.

These are crucial steps if you want to achieve the results you want from the operation. They also minimize the risks associated with the surgery.

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