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Solve Your Sales Issues With These 4 Tools

Solve Your Sales Issues With These 4 Tools

There are many steps and stages to the sales process. Things like customer-centric selling and omnichannel strategies often complicate things even further. Needless to say, it’s easy for a salesperson to lose track of things from time to time.

That’s where technology comes into play. There are many tools (some sales-specific and some otherwise) that can help an overwhelmed salesperson out. When used together, they can create synergistic results ranging from improved organization and structure to better productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness.

So, without further ado, here are some of the best tools to help with solving your sales issues.

1. Email Tracking

Email was one of the earliest technological sales tools ever invented. And yet, two decades into the 21st century, it remains as important as ever.

One of the reasons for the continued prominence of email is the fact that it can help drive sales for your business. From CTAs (calls to action) to hyperlinks, there are many reasons to use email. Feedback, lead generation, product announcements, and continued customer engagement are also all reasonable pushes for use in sales.

While sending emails is still effective, gauging the level of effectiveness for each sales campaign can be difficult. That’s where an email tracker can come in handy.

Email tracking allows you to see who opens your message and who doesn’t. This can help you understand if your subject lines are enticing prospects and existing customers alike. It can also provide insights regarding clicks, content read, opened attachments, and other engagement statistics.

Email may be old at this point, but it remains a powerful piece of technology nevertheless. In fact, with the addition of a good email tracker, email is a more powerful sales tool than ever before.

2. CRM Software

The sales process involves a lot of information. This comes from a variety of different channels, as well. Customers and salespeople alike utilize websites, social media accounts, chat apps, emails, phone calls, and many other communication options.

As your sales process generates information, it’s important that you organize, catalog, and track it well. This can be challenging, especially if different representatives interact with customers.

That’s why good customer relationship management (CRM) software is important. There are many reputable CRM options that can help you keep track of customer data. This isn’t just a nice thing to help clean up the files on your computer. It supercharges your ability to interact with clients.

You can analyze and utilize the information housed within a CRM program to improve products, answer customer questions, and increase growth. Of particular interest to sales reps, CRM software also enables you to understand the customer more thoroughly. This includes feedback, complaints, common interests, preferences, pain points, and countless other factors.

Keeping your customer info well organized and accessible is a no-brainer for any ambitious salesperson. It equips a sales staff with the ability to improve and personalize customer interactions. It can also help them understand common themes amongst customers. This can be helpful in fostering empathy and customer-centric selling.

3. A Better Website

A website is a powerful selling tool. Depending on the needs of your organization, a good website can impact sales in multiple ways.

For example, if you serve a large B2C customer base, a website can serve as a storefront. Well-placed content can use SEO to generate leads. Visitors can enter sales funnels, make contact, and place orders.

If you have a B2B business in which sales reps make individual, high-profile transactions, a website can still help. A well-made company website is the window to providing good contact information and generating sales leads. In addition, you can post resources such as white papers and other helpful content. This can then be offered to prospective clients. When this is done, it provides valuable free information. It also helps to establish your organization as an authority in your industry.

Regardless of the scale or approach that your sales team takes, a good website is a sales tool worth the effort.

4. Scheduling and Organizational Tools

Finally, you need to equip your sales staff with the right tools to do their jobs well. Often this revolves around two things: communication and automation.

Many sales tools help with internal and external communication. Others focus on automating and simplifying activities to help sales reps focus on the almighty job of selling. A few examples of these kinds of tools include:

Scheduling apps

There are many cloud-based applications that can help salespeople track meetings. Most also allow them to send invitations to clients as well. Some even help with the oft-frustrating issue of polling attendees to find the date that works best for everyone.

Workflow apps

There are many workflow platforms that provide a central, virtual workspace. This is helpful for all kinds of teams, including sales teams. A workflow app can help a team stay on the same page as they work independently with their individual clients.

File sharing apps

There are also a wide variety of online applications that allow for easy sharing of files, documents, attachments, and so on. This is important for a sales team. It allows for the easy dissemination of new policies, product information, sales initiatives, and so on.

Communication apps

Sales reps must be well-equipped with video, audio, and text-based communication options. This can help them remain in close contact with coworkers and clients alike. Having a variety of communication tools available also enables them to contact customers, in particular, in whatever way they prefer.

Things like CRM software and email tracking are great tools for sales. However, it’s also important to address basic operational considerations like communication and workflow, as well. If your staff has these basics covered, they can utilize their sales-specific tools more effectively.

There are many ways that you can resolve your sales issues. To recap:

If you’re struggling with sales concerns, the best solution is equipping your sales staff with the right tools. Once this is done, they can go about their jobs with greater efficiency and organization. This leads to better productivity, happy employees, and ultimately satisfied customers.

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