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Speech Therapy App Vs Traditional Speech Therapy: What’s better?

Speech Therapy App Vs Traditional Speech Therapy: What’s better?

Stuttering or stammering is a type of speech disorder that affects people of all ages. With stuttering, the flow of speech is often interrupted by prolongations, repetitions, or short periods when the speaker is unable to produce any sound. A stutterer may exhibit unusual body movements or facial tension while trying to speak. Significant research has gone into understanding the causes of stuttering and possible treatments. So, far, there is no permanent cure for stuttering. However, with speech therapy, anti-stuttering apps, and fluency aids, it is possible to overcome or manage stuttering​.

How Many People Are Affected By Stuttering?

Stuttering occurs most often in kids (2 to 6 years old). Approximately ​5% of all children stutter at some point in their lives. But, 4 out of 5 children recover on their own or with some intervention. The remaining children continue stuttering into adulthood.

Nearly 70 million people (1% of the global population) stutter worldwide.

Does Speech Therapy Work?

The goal of speech therapy – whether it’s for fluency shaping or stuttering modification – is to help a person learn how to significantly reduce or stop stuttering. The outcomes of speech therapy treatment for stuttering will depend on –

Speech therapy treatment does take some time to show tangible results. Millions of

stutterers worldwide have benefitted from evidence-based speech therapy.

Traditional Speech Therapy Is Expensive

Speech therapy treatment for stuttering is not cheap. Each therapy session with a speech-language pathologist typically costs around $40 to $100 depending upon the venue.

Even with a package option for a month or a year, speech therapy turns out to be an expensive treatment option.

In some countries, people can avail of government-funded speech therapy programs. Such programs generally cover specific populations such as pre-school children. However, even for such programs, the waitlists are often long.

Some school boards provide speech therapy services but they are usually limited to assessment sans necessary treatment.

This is where a ​speech therapy app such as Stamurai can help bridge the gap. Modeled on the principles of traditional speech therapy and self-therapy for fluency shaping, stuttering modification, DAF (Delayed Auditory Feedback), etc., such speech therapy apps cost a fraction of what you’d have to shell out for speech therapy sessions.

Is Group Therapy Cheaper than A Cutting Age Speech Therapy App?

In group therapy, participants attempting to overcome a similar problem receive the therapy together. The cost of a session is split amongst the participants.

Group therapy is relatively cheaper but it’s still expensive in comparison to a speech therapy app. Also, progress made by a participant will not be as great as if receiving speech therapy individually.

With a speech therapy app, you can progress at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

Why Are People Using Speech Therapy Apps to Fight Stuttering?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) powered anti-stuttering apps for self-therapy can meet the unique needs of a child or an adult who stutters, nearly the same way a speech-language pathologist alters his methodology depending upon the patient’s age, the severity of speech disorder, etc.

Finding a good speech-language therapist isn’t exactly easy. In many areas, there is a shortage of certified professionals or specialty services with a proven track record in the field.

Technological innovations such as speech therapy apps draw on the experiences of a group of highly experienced therapists and make it easy for a stutterer to start working on their problem areas any day.

Often, parents find it difficult to find time to take their child for a one-to-one therapy session. Personal and professional responsibilities often disrupt stuttering treatment discontinuity. Unlike traditional speech therapy, a speech therapy app can be accessed anywhere at any time.

Speech Therapy App or Traditional Speech Therapy – Which Route Should You Take?

Both speech therapy apps and traditional speech therapy have their own set of benefits and limitations.

Although anti-stuttering apps and other such solutions are gaining popularity, it’s unlikely they will replace traditional speech therapy anytime soon.

In the near future, it is likely that certified speech-language pathologists will also start using technology and speech therapy apps to better serve their patients or to augment their existing stuttering treatment programs.

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