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The 5 Hottest Vending Machine Business Ideas

The 5 Hottest Vending Machine Business Ideas

The sky is the limit when it comes to what you can sell out of a vending machine. The vending industry is ripe with opportunity, growth and flexibility. Factor in the passive income potential—where 90% of the work is done remotely and without employees—and that makes vending hard to pass up for entrepreneurs looking for ease of entry into a thriving industry.

Products, of course, are at the core of any vending business, which leads to the inevitable question: what can you sell out of a vending machine? How do you choose the best machine, product selection and business opportunity to propel your entrepreneurial dreams forward? Begin by assessing your local marketplace. You’re likely to see the most success in your area, set about customizing products for each location—once you’ve decided on the type of vending machine. Let’s take a look at five of the hottest vending machine business ideas.

Traditional Junk Food Vending Machines

You’ve seen these vending machines everywhere: at work, school, rec centers, hotels, hospitals, the office, warehouses, car dealerships. You name it, you can find one somewhere stocked with soda, candy bars, chips and more. These types of vending machines are commonplace and convenient—and an easy way to get started in the vending industry.

Healthy Vending Machines

Junk food vending machines are convenient—but there’s a growing segment of the population demanding healthier snacks on the go. Consumers are more health-conscious than ever, as healthy eating has been proven to support better overall health, which we’re all craving. That’s one reason healthy vending machines are poised for success. These vending machines offer single-serve sizes of popular healthy snacks such as those sold at Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods. Think organic chips, plant-based snacks, gluten-free and keto options, dark chocolate, dried fruit, nuts and seeds, protein bars and more. Healthy vending is definitely one of the five hottest vending machine ideas around.

Full Meals / Side Vendors

There’s nothing like being stuck at work all day to make you crave the convenience of a hot meal. And while delivery services like DoorDash are readily accessible in many areas, they’re also expensive. A full meal side vending machine provides prepackaged meal options to help satisfy hungry appetites at any time of day. From oatmeal to noodle dishes, this is a great option for people looking for quick and healthy, pre-packaged meals on the go. Some vending machines even have optional side units that allow for the expansion of product offerings in a traditional vending machine. For example, for entrepreneurs who opt to place machines in locations like gyms, these side vendors can deliver healthy snacks and wellness products.

Wellness Center Vending Machines

Life doesn’t stop for every ache and pain. We can all remember a time when we needed to soothe a headache or some other ailment while we were on the go. A wellness center vending machine can function as a one-stop, over-the-counter shop to provide remedies for the common cold, indigestion and other discomforts. Additionally, wellness center vending machines can stock face masks, hand sanitizer, tissues, supplements, essential oils and more.

Essentials Vending Machines

Whether traveling or visiting the local dance studio, chances are that someone will forget something and need to make a purchase on the fly. An essentials vending machine provides a convenience that even supersedes running down to the hotel lobby to purchase a spare toothbrush. Just think of the possibilities: pre-workout and post-workout supplements, gym towels, lifting gloves, protein powders and headphones at the gym vending machine. Ballet shoes, tights and healthy snacks at the dance studio. Shaving cream, razors, dental floss, toothpaste, deodorant, phone chargers and even flip flops and spare socks are commonly forgotten by hotel guests. Airport travelers are often seeking out earbuds, laptop chargers and portable snacks to take on the airplane. An essentials vending machine is the solution to these all-too-common inconveniences.

The Hottest Items To Stock in Vending Machines

To be profitable and have high customer satisfaction rates, it’s important to consider your locations, the potential needs of your customers and your ultimate business goals. Location-specific products are key to maximizing your revenue potential with the hottest items to stock in vending machines, from wellness products and travel essentials to junk food, full meals and healthy snacks.

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