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The Benefits of Selling Photography as Digital Downloads

The Benefits of Selling Photography as Digital Downloads

Technology has come on a huge amount in recent years and that includes the way that it is used in the field of photography. Cameras are far more sophisticated than ever, allowing photographers the best chance to get that optimal shot much quicker. There is of course also the opportunity to play with the photos later and adjust the light and other issues to create exactly what they are looking for.

One other important consideration that can be taken from this increase in technology is the ability to offer photographs not just as physical copies but also digital downloads. This, for some photographers, has become a very important part of their portfolio, particularly for those who use free photo sharing sites where customers often like the choice of being able to buy a photograph to use elsewhere.

So if you have been wondering about the benefits that can be had from offering digital downloads to clients then read on as we take a look.

What is a digital download?

Before we look at the benefits let’s just consider what a digital download actually is. They are, quite simply, files that you can download from your computer to either allow you to access the image or to allow you to have them printed off onto the medium of your choice.

If the image in question is to be used for marketing purposes or is a school photo, for example then it is likely that a client may want several copies at least. They may not want them all at the same time either. Having a digital download makes perfect sense that way they actually have a copy of the photograph that they can use time and time again.

Whilst offering digital downloading is a good idea for photographers it is important for them to consider this in their pricing structure. They may need to consider a range of prices depending on the subject of the photograph, the resolution of the download and the amount of work that was involved in producing the print in the first place.

Earning money

We have already mentioned photo sharing sites, and this is where possibly the biggest benefit for digital downloads can be found. For those photographers who are perhaps just starting out on their photography journey or looking to make the move towards a career in photography, these sites are a great place to test the waters. It allows them to put up their photography, set a price and see what people think of their work.

Digital downloads are far easier to deal with as they allow customers to purchase an image and then have it printed onto an item of their choice such as a t-shirt, a mug, a school folder. This offers a greater degree of flexibility than simply deciding which products to show your image on for customers to then buy the product they want. This way will undoubtedly lead to messages from customers who want to know if you would put the photo onto another item.

Practical choice

It can also be more practical for potential customers as well. When they order an item like a mug for example, they need to wait several days for it to be delivered and of course be around for the delivery. If there are any issues with delivery or damage these will then need to be addressed. With a digital download they simply pay and receive their download and that is the end of the transaction, making it much simpler for everyone.

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