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The Top 3 Secretary Hiring Tips for Any Business

The Top 3 Secretary Hiring Tips for Any Business

Did you know that the number of secretaries in the United States is supposed to decline by seven percent over the next eight years? Because there are fewer and fewer secretaries out there, that means it is going to get harder and harder to find good ones.

By knowing the success secrets behind secretary hiring, you can make sure that you get the best of the best. After all, your secretary can be an important piece to the success or failure of your business.

So keep on reading and we’ll take you through everything that you’ll want to know.

1) Know the Ranks of Secretaries

Secretaries go by many different ranks and job titles. The hierarchy here can determine the skills and responsibilities that the job entails.

Often, these ranks are office secretary, administrative assistant, executive assistant, and office manager.

An office secretary is an entry-level job. This person is in charge of greeting clients, answering phones, data entry, and filing.

An administrative assistant can be in charge of meeting coordination, budgeting, and billing.

An executive assistant assists a high-ranking executive. They handle the person’s meeting coordination, travel planning, communications, and scheduling.

As office manager oversees the operation of the office. They make sure everything runs efficiently and properly. This person will usually supervise other secretaries and handle management tasks. This can include hiring, dispute resolution, and disciplinary action.

2) Know the Characteristics of a Good Secretary

A good secretary needs to be organized. They will be handling a variety of documents and schedules and will need to keep everything organized.

This person also needs to be able to multitask. If the person gets overwhelmed easily then they probably won’t make a good secretary. They will need to be able to answer and transfer calls, greet guests, and schedule meetings, often all at the same time.

3) Consider a Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is just like the job title implies. This is someone who is an assistant or secretary but they work for you virtually. You can find virtual assistants all over the world.

For example, Filipino freelancers are common virtual assistants. These people often cost you less than what you would pay for an assistant in your area. You also won’t need to spend money on keeping them in an office.

You can find a virtual assistant on your own or work with a company that specializes in matching executives with assistants.

Use These Secretary Hiring Tips Today!

By using our secretary hiring tips above, you should feel more confident about adding a new secretary to your payroll. Because a secretary can make or break a company, you need to make sure that you are only hiring the best.

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