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Top Tips for Keeping Your Home Secure

Top Tips for Keeping Your Home Secure

Feeling safe and secure in your own home is extremely important. While no security system is flawless, there are several simple steps you can take to deter burglars and help protect your property. Implementing even a few of these useful tips will go a long way in making your home a safer place for you and your family.

Install a Burglar Alarm

One of the most effective ways to secure your home is by installing a good-quality burglar alarm system. Choose a system that includes door and window sensors, motion detectors, and audible alarms. Opt for professionally monitored burglar alarms that will notify the police if the alarm goes off. Make sure outdoor alarm boxes and window stickers are clearly visible to act as a visual deterrent. Test your system regularly to ensure it is in good working order.

Improve Locks on Doors and Windows

Many break-ins occur through weak or faulty locks on doors and windows. Upgrade to high-quality deadbolt locks on exterior doors. These locks make it much harder for burglars to gain entry by picking the lock or forcing the door open. Make sure locks are installed properly and cannot be reached by breaking adjacent glass panels. Replacing old or damaged locks on windows with modern locking mechanisms also helps stop unwanted entry.

Install Security Lighting

Outdoor security lighting is essential for keeping all approaches to your home illuminated at night. Motion-activated floodlights and porch lights help deter burglars from approaching unnoticed under the cover of darkness. Leave some interior lights on timers so your home looks occupied even when you are out. Brightly lit homes are less likely targets for opportunistic thieves. Trimming back overgrown trees and bushes also reduces shadowed areas prowlers can hide behind. 

Invest in a Home CCTV System

Installing a CCTV system featuring multiple outdoor cameras allows you to effectively monitor activity around the perimeter of your house day and night. High-definition cameras with night vision capability will capture clear footage of anyone accessing entry points or moving through your property. Video evidence also aids police investigations if a crime does occur. Position cameras covering driveways, paths, garden gates and porch areas.

Keep Valuables Out of Sight

Don’t tempt opportunistic burglars by keeping high-value items like car keys, laptops, handbags, and other portable electronics in plain sight through ground-floor windows and glass doors. Draw internal curtains/blinds at night. Keep cash, jewellery, and other small valuables locked securely in an anchored floor or wall safe that is hidden out of view. Avoid leaving ladders or tools outside that could assist burglars in gaining entry. 

Set Timers on Radios and Lights

If you go away on holiday, set radios and lights throughout your home on automatic timers to turn on and off at varying intervals. Occupancy sensors that automatically switch lights on at night are also effective. These tips make your house appear lived-in and put burglars off targeting your property while you are not around to respond quickly to an alarm activation. Ask a trusted neighbour to frequently collect your post/papers and clear snow while you are away. 

Securing your home does not need to be complicated or expensive. Implementing a combination of the practical tips outlined above will go a long way towards making your property a far less appealing target for would-be burglars. Pay particular attention to upgrading locks, installing motion-activated lighting, and clearly displaying burglar alarm signage. Take sensible preventative measures today to protect your home and possessions and give yourself great peace of mind.

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