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UK Immigration guide – If you are Moving to the UK

UK Immigration guide

Thinking of moving to the UK and need a primer on what to do?

Here are a few focus points you should think about on top of contacting immigration solicitors for a seamless process:

Your Visa

Relocating to the UK involves a lot of time and paperwork, notably your visa and work permit. The first thing most people do is look up the processes on how to get a work permit or UK visa and its costs and requirements.

After Brexit it’s become notably harder to obtain the necessary permits to enter UK. Countries that are affected will have to go through the hoops, although most will have government schemes in place to make it easy.

UK visa costs will depend on the type and if the application was made in or out the country.

Your Housing

Housing in UK is bustling and fast-paced. Before moving you should spend a sufficient amount of time browsing through the market online using your smartphone or laptop computer.

One notable thing to factor in is budget. If you intend to live in the capital then you should be able to meet the housing prices in London. Add in utilities and other living expenses and you will have an idea on where your location will be.

Your Work

Immigrants will most likely have work waiting for them when they move to the UK. If this isn’t the case, then finding one takes top priority.

Once again, the internet comes to the rescue. You can upload your CV on reputable job boards and platforms, including business social media LinkedIn.

Your Healthcare

You can opt for private health insurance or rely on public healthcare system, with each one having its own set of advantages and disadvantages. You can find a wealth of resources on the internet or by speaking with someone who’s already living in the UK.

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