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Which Crystals Work for Protection

Which Crystals Work for Protection

Over the last decade, healing crystals have started to gain mainstream popularity. The origins of utilizing crystals in energy and healing work can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, and Mesopotamia. While scientists are still trying to understand how and if crystals work their use in rituals by societies all over the globe dating back millennia has led many healers to incorporate them into their work.

By absorbing and interacting with the energy around us crystals are as powerful as they are beautiful. Now more than ever we could all use a little extra peace of mind. We all want to feel we’re doing everything we can to protect ourselves and our families during these difficult times. That’s why we’ve put together this extensive list of the best crystals for protection.


Amethyst is a versatile crystal that works to protect you from negative energy, increase intuition, and help break bad habits and addictions. This beautiful grape-colored crystal vibrates at a high frequency which offers a forcefield effect of spiritual protection driving away negative energy. Amethysts are a great stone to keep in your car and on your person to help protect and guide you daily.

Smoky Quartz

The deep earthy brown almost chocolate hues of a smoky quartz crystal allude to its power as a grounding stone. Smoky quartz’s protective properties come from its ability to absorb negative energy and redirect it into the earth. This crystal can help you to balance your own energy so that you are better able to ward off psychic attacks.

Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is known for its use as a powerful healing stone, but it is also very effective when used for protection. Its frequencies expel malicious energy and encourage the opening of the root chakra. If you have been feeling a persistent dark atmosphere around you or someone you love wearing Black Obsidian consistently until the dark energy has passed.

Black Tourmaline

This is another multifaceted gem. Black tourmaline not only repels obstructive energies it transmutes them into positive forces. It’s also very useful for those who struggle with patterns of self-sabotage because of how it helps refocus destructive patterns and anxieties. This is a good crystal to use liberally around your home to help repel any unintentional bad vibes.


Lepidolite is a great tool to have in your arsenal against worry and stress. This crystal encourages serenity and protects from internal negativity. One of the ways lepidolite encourages internal calm is by opening the heart chakra and allowing you to let go of self-criticism. It’s also effective in reflecting all kinds of electromagnetic waves that are constantly bombarding our bodies. These frequencies are given off from any number of tech devices in our homes, offices, and cars and Lepidolite can help protect you from their destructive effects.


Another crystal that helps to deflect and absorb the electromagnetic waves that are all around us is Fluorite. This stone is also effective at improving focus and decreasing mental clutter. Many people swear by keeping fluorite in their cars to keep them mentally sharp and alert while driving.

Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow moonstone may look like an opal with its milky iridescent glossed finish but it’s actually a kind of Labradorite. This stone is prized for its connection to divine feminine energies. Thus it’s used to promote spiritual growth. Its defensive properties are most useful at protecting those who are undergoing psychic healing. Wearing moonstone pieces to therapy or reiki sessions can effectively protect your aura when it’s at its most vulnerable.

These are just a few of the many powerful healing and protective stones that have been used in ancient magic, tribal ceremonies, and eastern medicine for ages. These crystals help protect us on so many different energetic levels. Some promote grounding, and others balance but all of them can be used to add an extra layer of protection around you and your family.

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