Mental health is a serious subject that isn’t discussed often. Most people focus on physical health but ignore mental well-being, which leads to several problems in an individual’s life. Lack of awareness, social stigma, and other factors contribute to a person neglecting their mental well-being, which makes mental health seminars that important. They spread awareness around the subject and equip attendees with the knowledge to better take care of themselves and others.
But such a seminar is only effective if one properly promotes it. Due to the nature of the subject, this may be tricky. However, there are some strategies you can use to help market your mental health seminar.
Use Templates To Create Social Media Posts
Social media is one of the best ways to promote your mental health seminar. Ideally, you should have pages and accounts for your events, so if you haven’t created them, do so. This will become a one-stop shop for all information regarding your event. You can share details about the seminar here, such as the venue, timings, which speakers are attending, what topics are being discussed, etc.
The best part is that it costs next to nothing to do so. You can do all this for free or, if you want, use paid ads to boost your content. It will cost only a few dollars but extend your reach a lot. You can create the posts using PosterMyWall’s mental health templates. These templates have all the designing done and you only need to tweak them, add your details, download, and use them in your posts.
Use Influencers
Influencers hold much sway over public opinion, and anything they say is taken as an endorsement. As such, you will be contacting a few who have spoken on mental health awareness and speak to them about endorsing your conference. It would be best if they could attend, but if not, ask them if they can speak a few words about your event and invite their followers to attend.
This will give your event a seal of approval from them and the audience is more likely to take your event seriously. Consider this Instagram post. An influencer is seen speaking at a panel at a mental health conference and sharing their experience. They took a video of their panel and shared it on their Instagram page, which thousands saw. The post also tags the event page and the organizer, thanking them for the opportunity, which also serves as a personal endorsement.

Run Paid Ads
An excellent but underrated way of promoting your mental health campaign is via paid ads online on social media and even on search engines. Paid ads cost only a few dollars but extend your reach greatly to thousands, if not millions. Social media paid ads are cheaper but search engines like Google may require more.
Still, this will be very much in your budget and won’t cost anywhere near conventional marketing. These ads differ from what you post regularly online and appear on feeds and searches to different users. Be sure to include a clear call to action in these ads. This can be the sign-up or registering form on your website, where people can enter their details and later attend.
Create Event Pages
Event pages on Google and social media let the public know when something is about to happen and where. It makes something official, and the audience is likely to take it seriously. In the days leading up to your seminar, create event pages on Google and Facebook. Add details for the topics, venue, dates, and timings to these listings. There are other dedicated websites for event listings that are worth checking out as well.
Do include a call to action on your sign-up or registration page where people can sign up. Creating these pages and listings allows your event to be easily searchable and appear in searches. People can invite their friends and families to your event and even share the listings around in posts.
In Conclusion
Mental health has always been a taboo topic to discuss over time. During a significant part of our history, mental health has always been a stigma and patients have always been treated poorly and not given the help they need. But thankfully, over time enough awareness has been created through campaigns and seminars that those that need help, get it. Your seminar is one of the things that contributes towards creating awareness in the community so mental health issues get properly diagnosed and treated. By following the strategies listed above, you can create a comprehensive and fool proof marketing plan for effectively promoting your mental health seminar. Follow them consistently and you will make your event a success.