Let’s ditch FOMO and embrace JOMO!
The fear of missing out and heading on as many social engagements and nights out can have us exhausted.
When all we need is some time in the house.
JOMO stands for the joy of missing out.
Let’s welcome it with open arms and embrace the art of staying home and truly enjoying ourselves.
Staying in or just taking some time for ourselves is one of the most important things that we can do for ourselves. We get a lot from it.

Benefits to staying home:
. Time to decompress is a key factor in the importance of me time. It allows us to shake off the demands of our work and other social engagements.
. Letting our mind and body relax means we have more focus and productivity when we get back to it; time away gives us a renewed sense of purpose.
. You can unlock some passions and make time for hobbies that allow you to be creative.
. You have more to give to others; if you have friends and family that rely on you, then taking time outlets, you fill up your cup, so you have more to give.
If you have a busy schedule, you might need to block book time in your agenda so that people don’t request meetings with you or otherwise try to book that time.
It will be worth it!
5 Activities to Make Your Night in Awesome
Perhaps you want to be occupied on your night in, and the idea of having time with nothing to do isn’t your idea of fun.
Don’t worry, though; these five fun activities will fill up your time and help you to unwind too.
Book Time
It’s time to crack the spine on that novel you have wanted to read for months. It can be hard to commit to reading a book when most people scroll their phones for fun.
But reading has been proven to help us relax and allows us to drift off into a world that has been built for us.
Maximize your reading time by putting your phone away so that you aren’t disturbed by notifications or phone calls.
Of course, you should let your friends know first – before they start to worry.
If you’re not sure what to read, here are some books that are recognized as ‘life-changing’:
- The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz – a book that lays out four simple principles to live by.
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho – a journey of personal growth and self-discovery for a shepherd called Santiago.
- The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle – a guide to setting your ego aside and being content to live in the now.
- Essentialism by Greg Mckeown – a deep dive into how to be an essentialist.
Of course, you could also spend time on the back of a turtle in one of Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books.
The choice is yours.

Flex your intelligence and sense of self by challenging yourself. 4 card poker is a great place to start, this variation puts you to the test against the dealer, so you can login and play online with needing to join a group. Poker is recognized as a mind sport and works your brain out in the same way chess and backgammon do.
To make the most of your poker time:
. Set yourself a budget for playing; this will be your bankroll.
. Prepare for games that might be as short as 20 minutes or as long as 3 hours
. Read plenty of poker books to formulate your strategy
. Make use of the free games and the starter tables
. Maximize your bankroll using sign-up bonuses
To get yourself in the mood to play some amazing games, pick a few movies from the next section to help.
Movies, like books, are a personal choice. But there are some movies that make almost every ‘must-watch’ list.
Some movies force us to concentrate; others are going to put us through some emotional turmoil. Either way, a movie night is one of the best ways for you to spend time by yourself.
Movies to concentrate on:
The Game: a stylish thriller, heavy on atmosphere and storytelling. Like the title suggests, a game happens, but it soon turns dark.
The Prestige: A film that has many twists in the tale, it can be dark in places, but Hugh Jackman, Michael Caine, and Christian Bale are sterling.
Mobs Movies:
Casino: A ruthless and often bloody look at the casino-gangster lifestyle. Not for the faint of heart, but certainly one for those who find poker a thrilling way to spend time.
Eastern Promises: Often dark and dealing with difficult topics, it’s aggressive and involves the Russian mafia. Viggo Mortensen’s performance is incredible. Expect bloodshed and violence.
Sob Movies:
The Fault in Our Stars: It’s funny and sad. Based on a book, and it stays close to the original. Ansel Elgort and Shailene Woodley play dry-witted cancer patients that love books and one particular author. Bring tissues.
Seven Pounds: Random acts of kindness can change lives, Will Smith’s character is incredible and you just don’t see it coming. As the film unravels, you might need a moment to process.
And finally, a movie that just feels good and quirky in the right way. Little Miss Sunshine tackles difficult topics with incredible wit and humanity. Steve Carell, Paul Dano, Greg Kinnear, and Tonie Collette make for great watching. It’s uplifting and well written.

Real Rest
If you just want to feel relaxed and rested, then instead of occupying your time with movies, snacks, and books – just take a nap.
There is an art to napping, and some people find it difficult.
Here are some tips to get you in the mood for napping:
- Don’t nap with the aim of being asleep for hours; we really should only nap for about 30 minutes
- Early afternoon is the best time for naps, but a snooze on the couch later in the day doesn’t hurt.
- Create a cool and calm environment ahead of your nap
- Make sure you aren’t expecting any deliveries or calls
- Try a sleep story or peaceful music from a mindfulness app like Calm or Headspace
- Even if you don’t sleep, close your eyes and rest
Journalling or writing in any form can help us sort through our thoughts and feelings. Taking some time to write whatever comes to mind, make plans for your week ahead.
Note what went well this week or where you could have made some improvements.
A journal is a truthful way to look at how you are feeling and can help you sort through problems you didn’t know were of concern.
Journaling or writing, in general, is a healthy way to spend time and reduce stress levels.
There are many activities that you can add to the list, but those 5 are perfect for giving you some much-needed time out and indulging in some JOMO.