As we all know that college fees tend to get quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. So those who are not able to afford these college expenses, turn towards scholarships or financial aid. So, you don’t need to worry about expensive college fees if you have a scholarship.
But getting a scholarship is a tough task not an easy one. So, if winning a scholarship is what is standing between you and your college dreams then you have come to just the right place. Winning a scholarship can be tough as many people apply for it who might be in the same financial position as you.

This article will help you learn the 5 easy ways in which you can win a college scholarship, which also includes scholarships such as the Nancy Etz Scholarship.
1. Sharpen Your Writing Skills
First things first, most of the scholarship applications require you to write an essay. This is one of the ways which can help you to win the scholarship. You need to put a lot of effort in writing that essay and making it unique, for the scholarship providers to choose you out of all the other candidates.
If you are asked to write a 500-word essay then write a 500-word essay only don’t make it 1000 or longer. It will not look good for you if you try something above and beyond of what is asked of you.
2. Answer All Questions
Many of the applicants ignore the optional questions in the application. But what you need to do is don’t skip these questions instead attend as much as you can. Answering these questions may give you a better chance at winning the scholarship. It will show them that you are taking extra care and consideration about your scholarship.
3. Keep Your Online Profiles Clean
The scholarship provider also checks for any negative perspective of you on the online platforms. If you have some negative reputation on any online platform then it will badly affect your scholarship application. If you want to know about your online reputation, then simply Google yourself, and you can work on changing your negative reputation if you have it.
4. Involve Yourself in Social Works
This is one of the ways which can earn you some brownie points. You can do volunteering work in your community such as shelter homes, children homes or some other volunteering jobs. This will look really good and affective on your scholarship application.
5. Proofread Your Essay Writing
Another one of the important things is to proofread your applications and essay. You don’t want them to find grammar mistakes in your essay, do you? So before sending your essay, check the content for any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes. You can use tools such as Grammarly and other for your proofreading. So, these 5 easy ways will help you to win your college scholarship including the Nancy Etz Scholarship. Try to keep these things in your mind while applying to a college scholarship