Let’s get right to the point, the best way to find Java developers for hire is through a global talent network that can help you scale fast and grow your business quickly. Nevertheless, finding top-rated developers and programmers isn’t just about finding people with high-quality technical skills but also about looking for potential employees with excellent soft skills.
Soft skills are the core skills that are needed in every profession, and Java developers are no exception. Some of the most important soft skills include those such as problem-solving, critical thinking, work ethic, leadership, teamwork, and many more. Therefore, your future Java developer needs to have both technical and soft skills at a high level in order to be beneficial for your company’s success.
That’s why here we will see the soft skills your Java developers need to have. Let’s begin.
A Sense of Empathy
Your Java developer may know how to initialize an array in Java perfectly, but without having a sense of empathy, they won’t last long in your company. Having the ability to empathize with other team members is important since it will make them understand the issues others face and find a way to make the project work. It is a lot easier for everyone to suggest new ideas if there is empathy between the members, and there won’t be any negative vibe no matter how anyone feels about a particular idea or solution.
In essence, empathy provides your team with the advantage of predicting how others will react, meaning that they will easily find a way how to speak to the customers. Otherwise, if you hire a Java developer that doesn’t have empathy, they will always be negative, argue with other team members, and react negatively to any feedback.
Furthermore, if your developer has empathy, they will know how to empathize with the user, allowing them to see from the customer’s point of view. At the end of the day, they are the ones that will use the final product.
If your potential Java developer isn’t patient, then it’s fair to say that you probably don’t need them. The main reason being is because they will be part of your team that doesn’t consist only of software developers, and they will have to explain the reasons behind decisions to many other people and in many non-technical ways, which of course, asks for patience. Some people may understand everything right away, but others may need a lot more time, and being patient at moments like this can be critical for the team to be able to function correctly.
Even though a developer may be aware of how complex programming is, that doesn’t mean that everyone else knows this, or they maybe don’t care. Therefore, make sure that you hire someone that is at least reasonably patient when situations like these come across since otherwise, the team won’t be able to function at all, and there will be no valuable results on the table.

Communication Skills
Communication is one of the essential soft skills when it comes to software engineering. Effective communication is what makes great Java developers even better, and in order to create a team of highly efficient experts, you need to hire people that can find a way to communicate with each other easily. Of course, communication skills are also highly important when it comes to interacting with your customers.
Your future employee must have the ability to speak clearly and convincingly since that’s how people listening will pay attention to every detail. And don’t forget that communication isn’t just about speaking well; it’s also about being able to listen. The best communications spend more or less the same amount of time talking and listening as well. Therefore, look for someone that doesn’t interrupt other people while they speak and is willing to listen since no matter if you like your customer’s ideas or not, you have to hear what they have to say about the project.
Problem Solving Ability
Yet another massive part of this list is having problem-solving abilities in their pocket. Your Java developer will face various challenges regularly, and even though they may be rare sometimes, they are still a vast part of the development process. How they handle challenges will have an enormous impact on your company and the projects they are working on to create. It is one of the critical skills that developers need to have since they have to see things in an objective way.
Furthermore, whether the developer caused the issue or not, they have to be aware that they don’t have to solve it by themselves since this is a teamwork profession. Developers have to know that working with people from the team but also with outsiders can solve an issue a lot faster than doing it on their own.
Time Management
Last but not least, since Java developers often find themselves in situations where they have to do a lot of things, knowing how to manage their time can be vital for success in the long run. Managing their time efficiently allows them to concentrate on the most important thing and get tasks done a lot faster.
Of course, multitasking is a highly welcomed skill, but without time management skills, it’s more than challenging to be effective in the software development world. Also, multitasking can reduce productivity, which is something that you wouldn’t want for your company’s business. The goal is to find a Java developer that can give their full attention to the task at hand, reducing the probability of making errors. Whether they know how to reverse a string in Java or they are doing anything else, they need to manage their time to finish on time.
That’s why you should look for these essential soft skills when hiring a Java developer, and through a global talent network, you have the chance to find a person that has both these skills but also high-quality technical skills as well!