As an English major, I have a great deal of experience with essay writing. Below are my top tips for writing effective essays that will help you get the grade you want:
1. Close reading
Close reading is an essential skill for literary scholars. It requires a detailed examination of the language and form of a literary work to fully comprehend its message.
Close reading allows you to identify specific elements, such as tone and diction, that are used to convey meaning. Often, the text may also contain irony or imagery, which can be used to enhance the message.
Start early. Many students make the mistake of putting off their essays until the last minute, but this strategy rarely pays off. Instead, give yourself plenty of time to research, plan, and write your essay so that you have time to make revisions and go over it with a critical eye.

In the end, if nothing helps, hire a professional essay writing service. They have an accurate and expert writers team.
2. Images in the text
When using images in an essay, always include a caption. These captions should describe how the image relates to the surrounding text. Images in an essay should support the arguments made in the text, not simply serve as decoration. It is also essential to mention the source of the image.
Be organized in your approach to writing the essay. A well-organized essay is much easier for readers to follow than one that is rambling or scattered. So plan out your arguments carefully and stick to a clear structure throughout your essay so that readers can easily understand what you’re trying to say and how each point logically leads to the next one.
3. Themes
Good literary essays explain the complexities of the text they are discussing. For example, a great essay might analyze the conflicting elements of a novel or poem. The title of a book may contradict the book’s subject matter, or the main character may behave differently around family, associates, and friends. A good literary essay explains both the contrasting and complementary elements of a work, while still keeping the reader’s attention.
4. Symbols
Symbols in the literature provide context and depth to your writing, catching your audience’s imagination and creating a more meaningful piece. A literary symbol connects a specific image or idea with the subject matter it represents. For instance, the image of a staircase may be used to convey the difficulty of ascending a staircase or a sense of purification.
Borrow ideas from others but make them your own in the final draft of your essay by incorporating personal anecdotes or examples where appropriate or adding in additional details on topics such as quotes or statistics as needed. Ultimately, achieving success as an essay writer means striking a balance between being well-informed and original while still building on what other writers have done before!

5. Transitions
In essay writing, transitions serve to link paragraphs together and establish logical connections. They are useful for establishing relationships between ideas, and can also help readers understand your point. To use transitions effectively, first read each paragraph, beginning to end, and ask yourself, “how does this information relate to the previous paragraph?”
6. Punctuation
Punctuation in literature for essay writing is an important aspect of good writing. There are rules that you should follow in using punctuation, and there are different types of punctuation that you can use. For example, you should use periods to separate sentences, and quotation marks to separate clauses within a sentence. In addition, you should use spaces after punctuation marks and before the first letter of the next word.