Nurse scheduling has long since been a bugbear of medical establishments. Rota work is hard to do, and every week, a member of the management team has to sit and go through availability to work out a rota. The question is: why are we still operating this way as we are about to go into 2022?
Asides from accuracy and ease, here are some of the best reasons that your healthcare firm needs nurse scheduling software, today.
There are many great reasons to go digital with your rota provision. Here are a few of our favorites.
1 – It’s Efficient
The old ways of working with a pen, paper, and a spreadsheet of days and nights, was inefficient. It led to missed shifts, people not showing up at the right times, and nobody able to check their shifts without troubling another member of staff to go and look at the sheets. Digitizing the system is much easier.
2 – It’s at a glance
Digitization into a software system also lets team members see their on days at a glance. They don’t need to call ahead and should be able to log into the system from home to check hours. It’s smoother because of this and there is a lot less confusion.
3 – It’s Sharable
Putting the system into digital format allows you to send it to yourself, via email to team members, to head office, etc. You can share a digital file with anyone who needs to see it in seconds. You cannot share a paper version.
4 – It’s Updatable
You can make changes that affect a whole month, week, or even year, by making a few clicks. You can drag and drop to add portions on or take them away. You can make one update on your end and the shifts should update across all versions of the software that have internet connection. One fix helps all errors.
5 – Less Error Margin
Because the system of nurse scheduling software is online, there’s less margin for human error. This means fewer double bookings or fewer days when there are too many nurses on call. The digital system could potentially catch and correct any errors you think you make while you are working, too.
6 – Strategic Planning
A rota for your nursing staff isn’t the same as a rota for kitchen workers or cleaners. There have to be certain levels of skill available at all times. For example, each shift should have a mental health trained nurse, someone who can handle triage, and a head nurse who can oversee any students or entry levels team members, all in one shift. Strategic shift planning is where nurse scheduling equipment really stands out.
7 – Nurses Hours
Scheduling through digital means gives you better control of nurse’s working hours. Again, this leaves less room for mistakes.
8 – Resource Allocation
It’s not just about the nurses, either. You could add in your admin staff, your doctors, your resources, and allow the software to create the best plan for the use of each. Why limit yourself to nurse scheduling when you could organize a lot more with a single tool.