Technological developments have opened a wide range of possibilities in various fields. Our modes of communication, ways of shopping, working, making payments and other transactions have changed a lot. Cashless payments are more desirable today. You need not to pay in cash anymore and can use a digital register for making cashless payments.

Cryptocurrency is a digital payment system built using blockchain technology. It doesn’t involve the physical transfer of money. Instead there are digital entries made on an online database which describes the specific transactions. Cryptos are stored in a digital wallet and the transactions are recorded in a public ledger.
Investments involve risks and investing in cryptocurrencies is also quite riskier. But then we all know NO RISK NO GAIN. There are certain tips following which you can safely invest in the crypto market. Let’s go through them.
1. Proper Research
Before investing, do the homework. Learn about cryptocurrency exchanges, how to buy and sell cryptos. Go through the reviews and talk with the more experienced investors. There are whitepapers available on every single coin online. Go through them.
2. Understand how to Store the Digital Currency
Cryptocurrencies are stored in a digital wallet or with the exchange. You have to choose the wallet where you want to store the cryptocurrency. Different types of wallets are there, each with its own advantages and technical requirements.
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3. Diversification of Investments
Diversification helps you minimize the risk of losing money all at once. Never put all your crypto coins in one basket. The financial advisors always advise to invest in multiple stocks. There are hundreds and thousands of options available and it’s better to invest in several currencies.
4. Be Prepared for Volatility
Crypto market is a highly volatile one. You’ll witness many unexpected ups and downs in the prices. The investors should be mentally prepared to face such turbulent price fluctuations. They should act rationally instead of acting emotionally during tough times.
5. Ignoring the “noise”
Many people are of the view that cryptocurrency is just a fad and an over-hyped speculation. They are of the view that you’ll go nowhere if you’ll invest in cryptos. While there are other sets of people, who have faith in the financial prospects and the practical applications of cryptos.
Crypto market is a highly volatile market but no one can deny its usefulness. If you invest with care you’ll certainly reap benefits.
6. Avoid a Bad Investment Strategy
There are certain groups of people advising on investments in cryptocurrency. Those social media communities and groups even promise investment tips regarding a particular crypto. Don’t fall for their trap. Follow a solid investment strategy otherwise you’ll lose all your money.
7. Go for an Alternative Personal Email id
The investor might be exposed to an unnecessary risk of data breach if they use their regular email id. It’s better to create a separate account only for the trading purpose especially with added two-factor authentication password security. Ensure that the exchange’s account also requires two-factor authentication to access their services. Use a dedicated two-factor application such as Google authenticator or Authy instead of using text messages for two-factor authorization since these are susceptible to social engineering hacks. Also select a unique username and password with no personally identifiable information.
8. Carefully Understand the uses of both Cold and Hot Wallets
You can store cryptocurrencies either via an offline ‘cold’ wallet or an online ‘hot’ wallet. For beginners hot wallets are the more desirable option since it can give the ease of access. However, hot wallets are more susceptible towards hacking. Whereas if cold wallets are prepared properly, they can’t be easily hacked. If you plan to save the cryptocurrency for a longer time period, store it in a cold wallet. Try to keep only a small amount which you use on a daily basis in a hot wallet.
Never mistake exchanges for wallets. When cryptos are kept with exchanges, you are not in charge of your keys. Therefore, you lose money if the exchange goes down, gets hacked or both. Always take time to research the different wallet providers.
9. Be Careful Regarding Mobile Wallets
It is quite risky if you trade or store large sums of cryptocurrency via mobile phone. Smartphones are more prone to being electronically or physically compromised.