Substance abuse is a serious disease. This affects countless people across the country and the world. While more awareness and conversations have increased, there is one issue that still exists. The stigma associated with addiction is prevalent.
It’s important that we find ways to defeat the stigma. If you or someone you know is dealing with an addiction, finding a Denver drug rehab center will be able to help. Let’s take at what can be done to overcome the stigma if you’re faced with it yourself.
Know that addiction is a disease
It’s important to know that addiction is a disease. Some may even disagree with this statement. But the reality is that it is a disease that is a chronic, relapsing brain disorder.
It’s neither a personal failure or a sign of moral weakness. To prove this, there are several factors that can play a role in addiction. For example, genetics can play a role in someone developing an addiction.
Especially when there is a genetic disposition for addiction, mental illness, or both. While not all of those dealing with addiction have a mental disorder, there are cases where such exist. This is known as a dual diagnosis.
When someone is dealing with both an addiction and mental illness, they need to be treated at the same time. It takes a structured, personalized treatment plan to overcome them.
Aside from genetics and mental disorders, a person’s environment can lead to addiction issues. For example, someone may be growing up in a home where drug abuse is considered ‘the norm’. They may grow up with the idea that drug use is OK so they can do it themselves.
Addiction is not a choice. It is a medical treatment that will require treatment. The sooner you get the help you need, the better. The stigma related to the disease should not exist.
This comes from people who have little to no understanding of addiction. Or how it becomes a disease for countless people.
Seek professional help
This is a huge step for anyone looking to overcome addiction and the stigma that goes along with it. It’s important to know that seeking professional help is not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of strength.
You will need to have an assessment completed. It needs to be accurate to ensure that a treatment plan is created for you. You will need to be honest with your current situation.
If you believe you are dealing with a mental disorder, get an evaluation. This will help provide therapists and medical personnel to create a treatment plan. This includes regular talk therapy and medical treatment (when and where necessary).
During the treatment process, it will start with detoxification. At this stage, you will be experiencing withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms may be severe – to the point where you’ll need medical attention as soon as possible.
If untreated, the withdrawal symptoms can lead to serious, if not, fatal consequences. Aside from the medical help, you’ll also receive talk therapy sessions regularly. If you are dealing with a mental disorder in conjunction with an addiction, you will be visiting with two different therapists.
The first is your substance abuse counselor, the other is your mental health counselor. It is highly recommended to make sure you visit two separate counselors. This will ensure that you have an organized and structured treatment plan.
You should not go to one therapist that does both substance abuse and mental health. This may throw things off and make the treatment process stressful and difficult. Keep in mind that you should never set aside one disorder in favor of the other.
You need to tackle both your addiction and mental disorder. Again, this can make the recovery process difficult. Seeking help will be a huge step.
People need to realize that seeking help is not a weakness. Don’t be too proud to ask for help when you’re going through something. Sometimes, it’s not worth overcoming something alone.
Practice regular self-care
Self-care is one of the best practices to perform daily. Whether it’s during the treatment or long after, it’s important to adopt habits that will ensure that you live a happy, healthy life. You will need to adopt habits such as getting consistent amounts of sleep each night.
Aside from that, you’ll want to consider regular exercise and eating a healthy diet. It’s important that you take a look at your current eating habits. Switch it up and you’ll be able to notice a difference when you stick with it.
Working out regularly can reduce stress. It can also reduce cravings and the likelihood of relapse. Another self-care practice to consider is mindfulness.
You can spend a few minutes per day performing breathing exercises. It’s important that you do this in a quiet environment. This will allow you to relax, focus on the breath, and realize that you are in control of the stress.
You’ll be aware of what’s going on. You’ll be in full control of yourself. This regular practice can also be helpful in reducing cravings and keeping relapse at bay.
There will be days where things may not go so well. It can get to a point where it can be stressful. When you have a self-care program in place, you can put that to good use so you can reduce stress.
Final Thoughts
Overcoming the stigma of substance addiction is possible. It’s important to block out the noise. People may try to keep the stigma alive.
What they don’t realize is that they have a lack of understanding of what you’re going through. It may take some time for them to come around. Others may not come around at all.
Regardless, it’s important to be above the stigma. Take the best care of yourself. Adopt the mindset that allows you to get the help you need and beat your addiction.
Don’t wait – get the help needed today and live life after treatment. The way you want to.