While it’s true that you can play a round of poker anytime during the day, there are some instances where you should hold off until an opportunity presents itself. Stave off additional stress dealing with slow or laggy internet by taking a look at these five examples.
After a Long Day
Nothing beats getting into a groove and relaxing with an enjoyable game of poker after a long day. Online games are fun and you can get more out of your favorite game by focusing all your attention to it.
During Breaks
If you’ve got nothing better to do, then you can whip out your smartphone and play during breaks. Just make sure that you get back to work or dealing with responsibilities when break time is over.
When You Need to De-Stress
Prolonged and consistent stress is not good for your health. Your ability to digest, as well as your immune system will be compromised, and you have a higher chance to get sick. Rest is one of the best ways to recuperate, but online games are also good distractions and de-stressors.
On the Commute
Make the most out of your commute by catching up with your friends, looking at the scenery, or playing your favorite online games. Granted, the connection won’t be as good as a home internet, but it should serve the purpose of enjoyment and passing the time on the road.
While Waiting
Last but not least, you have the freedom to play online games to pass the time while waiting at a doctor’s office, for example. This could also apply to job interviews, waiting for your significant other to finish shopping, or while waiting to be seated at a restaurant. Mobile games are great for this since a round usually lasts only a minute or two.