For anyone looking to improve their game, it may ring true that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If untrue, imitation could be the quickest path to success for gamers trying to reach the next level. provides serious gamers with an all-in-one guide to the selected settings for some of gaming’s most prominent industry names. For Counter-Strike 2 or Valorant players, the site is a game-changer for anyone looking to better their performance. After all, a tee ball player can hardly expect to progress before trading out their wiffle ball bat for a standard one. The player must start with the ProSettings to get ready to go pro.
A Convenient All-in-One Guide
Players, rejoice and increase your CS Rating while you’re at it. ProSettings offers an all-in-one breakdown of teams, players, mouse, DPI, Sens, Crosshair Code, Monitor, Refresh Rate, Resolution, Aspect Ratio, Headset, Keyboard, and more to help get a bird’s eye view of what the competition is using to win.
The all-in-one breakdown is alphabetized and sorted quickly with the click of a mouse to allow players to locate their favorite teams and players rapidly. Better still, gamers can equip themselves with the same winning equipment at the click of a mouse, as most items are hyperlinked to enable easy purchase.
There is no need to scroll through countless Reddit threads or peruse feature articles after a blog post; the items and brands are conveniently categorized for purchase.
Featured Counter-Strike 2 Pro Players
For those unfamiliar with Counter-Strike 2 (also known affectionately as ‘noobs’), the game was developed and published by Valve in September of 2023 and marks the fifth entry in the series. A tactical first-person shooter game that allows players to compete worldwide, it represents an update to its direct predecessor.
Counter-Strike 2 gaming enthusiasts can scan the equipment top players use globally through ProSettings. Like flipping through digitized playing cards, gamers can peruse pages of Counter-Strike 2 players and teams to get detailed information on settings for each individual.
Additionally, the site allows for a simplified copy-and-paste of crosshair code and view model on each player’s page. Lastly, with pro CS2 players spotlighted on the landing page, gamers are encouraged to check back often to see when their favorite gamers are featured.
Getting Social With Valorant
First, to the unacquainted, Valorant is a free first-person shooter game on PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5. It was developed by Riot Games and launched in June 2020. The game allows players to compete as tactical hero shooters in five teams. Set shortly, the agents, or characters, hail from across the globe, from the US to Morocco, Russia to India, and just about everywhere.
Like the Counter-Strike 2 section, ProSettings offers gamers a breakdown of the equipment and code for Valorant’s top gaming pros. Users can click to view their favorite players and quickly scan mouse settings, keybinds, general video settings, graphics, and so on.
In a nod to these games’ social nature, users can likewise scroll the social feeds of their favorite players from the site to check for any up-to-date comments made by their preferred gamers and teams.
Lastly, users can interact directly, ask questions, and leave comments under each gamer’s profile, nodding to the interactive nature of Valorant and Counter-Strike 2.
Wrapping Up a Great Gaming Guide
While Valorant and Counter-Strike players are most likely to get the best use out of ProSettings, gamers are not the only ones who can benefit. For any parent or partner who has stood blank-faced and mystified while their child or loved one rattles off the minutiae of the newest gaming lore, ProSettings can be a godsend of a gift guide, featuring equipment images and secure links to purchase coveted gaming items.
Finally, as games continue to evolve and update, ProSettings has the tools to keep players up to speed and in the game, becoming a practically indispensable site for keeping the game going.