Moissanite is the name given to minerals that occur naturally and grow in a laboratory made of silicon carbide. Its origin in nature is very rare and is found only in the upper mantle rock and meteorites. Findings have shown that moissanite occurs naturally as the incorporation of diamonds, xenoliths, kimberlite, and lamproite.
The Future of Moissanite Jewelry
It was then that the vision and innovation of Charles & Colvard — the first creator of moissanite — came to fruition. The process of producing moissanite is long, taking two to three months to create a single gem. Whether you prefer the classic circles or just want something quite different, emerald, the gloss of this gem is worth seeing for yourself.
Found 120 years ago, moissanite gems are far from being just silicon carbide. Today — due to its unavailability — a magnified moissanite lab has little impact on the environment.
So, if you are planning to buy a moissanite wedding ring or other jewelry, plan accordingly to ensure that the piece is ready in time. You can browse or purchase your next piece of moissanite at your AGS member jewelry store.
Moissanite is not the site of a Diamond Grown in the Laboratory
Moissanite is the name given to minerals that occur naturally and grow in a laboratory made of silicon carbide. Its origin in nature is very rare and is found only in the upper mantle rock and meteorites. Findings have shown that moissanite occurs naturally as the incorporation of diamonds, xenoliths, kimberlite, and lamproite.
Found 120 years ago, moissanite gems are far from being just silicon carbide. Today — due to its unavailability — a magnified moissanite lab has little impact on the environment. Because of its durability, moissanite can be found in a variety of cuts, giving jewelry designers a wide range of ring options including moissanite and other jewelry settings.
When browsing the moissanite market, remember the ingenuity and versatility. These two elements are what distinguish the gemstone from diamonds and other similar gemstones. No matter what shape you attract, there is nothing like seeing this amazing gem in person.
Facts Related to Moissanites
1. It is not a diamond or a substitute for the diamond, it is precious and it happens rarely but naturally in the middle of the earth. However, the true moissanites used today are labs created to mimic the appearance of moissanite.
2. They have a white face upwards. With three different levels of moissanite gems you are sure to find the color that best suits you for a colorless approach to colorless imitation diamonds.
3. They are very high in Mohs scale for durability. Moissanites weigh 9.25 and are almost as strong as a 10 in diamond. This makes them extremely durable and suitable for everyday wear. In contrast, other natural gemstones such as emeralds and sapphires receive very low points in scale wear.
4. They sparkle and shine brighter than real diamonds. Looking back, moissanite will emit a lighter color than a cut diamond that is more beautiful because it has a larger frame.