In recent years, the problem of anemia has become a widespread challenge, especially for assiduous entrepreneurs who neglect their health for work results. Statistical data claim that businessmen and financial traders are more prone to anemia issues than skilled manual workers. How to promptly correct this situation if you run like a squirrel in a wheel?
It is worth noting that if anemia is ignored, it can become chronic, requiring lifelong intake of supplements. Only a few people take into account that there are crucial factors that are necessary for better absorption of iron. Roughly speaking, if you need vitamin B to absorb vitamin A, then no tricks with increasing the intake of vitamin A will help you until you normalize the amount of vitamin B in the blood. However, it is worth remembering that not all vitamins and minerals can be taken together in a single meal.
Iron affects energy levels, regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and strengthens and supports the immune system. Higher levels of iron add to genuine cheerfulness and brighter results at your workplace. Essential trading articles contain some tips and tricks on how to maintain a healthy balance between your life and business journey.
Iron deficiency causes
In adults, iron deficiency can occur for the following reasons:
- vegetarianism/veganism tendencies;
- reduced protein in the body;
- reduced acidity of gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid helps to break down protein and with its lack, protein molecules will not be able to fully participate in metabolism;
- excess of zinc in the body, since iron and zinc are competitors;
- intensive sports. During physical exertion, the need for iron increases, and larger muscle mass requires greater formation of myoglobin, a protein that delivers oxygen to the muscles. Iron is lost through sweat during exercise, and prolonged physical exertion reduces iron absorption in the intestine.
- poor diet. The stomach is prone to wrong dieting and processed foods. For workaholics, it is recommended to make time for lunch breaks and prefer homemade foods.
How to raise iron levels in the blood naturally

With a range of the following vitamins and minerals, it is possible to boost your iron level in the blood on the spot:
- Zinc. This mineral can be called truly unique because it is involved in iron metabolism. If the body lacks zinc, the iron level won’t increase. At the same time, magnesium, copper, and iron impair the absorption of zinc.
- Copper. This mineral affects the absorption of iron. Quite often, various types of anemia indicate a copper deficiency in the body, which is rarely diagnosed. Copper deficiency can also be one of the causes of early gray hair, so if you have this symptom, as well as iron deficiency, perhaps your body lacks copper.
- Manganese. The scientific fact is that manganese affects the function of 22 proteins involved in iron homeostasis. Homeostasis is associated with body well-being and balance.
- Vitamin C. This famous vitamin helps improve iron absorption by 30%. With the participation of vitamin C, iron metabolism processes occur and anemia prevention is carried out. The trace element iron is contained in products of both animal (heme iron) and plant (non-heme iron) origin.
Best foods to avoid anemia troubles
Talking about vitamins and minerals, zinc can be found in oysters, offal, beef, and cereals. The richest dietary copper sources include nuts, meat, seeds, and seafood. Cranberries, blueberries, nuts, and legumes are high in manganese while sweet peppers, parsley, black currants, kale, and spinach contain vitamin C.
Iron is an indispensable part of animal and plant foods including meat, liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, fish, and even chocolate. This extensive list can be added with more products added to everyday menu. Even busy people would find spare time to cook healthy and nutritious dishes containing the ingredients mentioned above.
It is common knowledge that Iron is best absorbed from red meat and offal. You won’t make up for its deficiency with apples and pomegranate juice which are so well-promoted to be natural supplements for other healthy products.
Do’s and don’ts
In animal products, iron is contained in the form of a divalent form (heme form), which dissolves well in the alkaline environment of the small intestine and does not require hydrochloric acid from the stomach for its absorption. That is why they are so often included in the diet in case of anemia.

Plant foods contain trivalent iron (non-heme), which does not dissolve in the alkaline environment of the small intestine and therefore is poorly absorbed. For trivalent iron to become divalent and be well absorbed, hydrochloric acid from gastric juice is needed. Therefore, they are not so relevant in the diet for anemia.
The Bottom Line
Anemia can become a primary reason for fatigue, especially for those who regularly overwork and struggle to wake up in the morning. In this case, paying attention to your health and nutrition is crucial to avoid greater risks in the future. As well, workspace stress can lead to losing iron in the body, so it is worth reconsidering your goals if you tend to overwork and stress out.