Author: Lakisha Davis

Lakisha Davis is a tech enthusiast with a passion for innovation and digital transformation. With her extensive knowledge in software development and a keen interest in emerging tech trends, Lakisha strives to make technology accessible and understandable to everyone.

Storytelling is the power behind branding. And branding is the power behind a successful business. Face it, you can’t have a successful business without storytelling. The question is…how can your business provide powerful brand storytelling? The answer…ARCHETYPES! Archetypes are a highly effective way to use symbolism and form a deep emotional connection with consumers. From giving your brand that competitive edge you need, to attracting loyal customers while also saving time and money, archetypes can help you nail your brand’s storytelling. What are Archetypes Archetypes are actually based on scientific research by Carl Jung that dates back to the 1900s.…

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Whether you’re a business owner, employee, or student, you need to go above and beyond to choose the appropriate attire for your next venture. Dressing to impress can make a big difference in the long run. It’ll guarantee that people form the right opinion about you immediately. If you don’t dress to impress, you’re going to run into various problems and people may think of you badly. You don’t want this to happen. Instead, you should work diligently to choose name-brand, expensive clothes. Within this guide, you’re going to learn more about the perks of choosing name-brand, expensive clothes instead…

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There are so many kinds of bicycles these days, that even for experienced cyclists it can be hard to know how to choose the right bike. For beginners, it may seem impossible. But not to worry, we are here to help you consider all the factors so that you can find the right bicycle for you. 1. Use The first thing to consider when buying a bicycle is its use. Of course, there is the basic mountain bike / road bike distinction. But there’s more to it than that – do you want to do a long bicycle tour? Are…

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Everyone has their favourite Netflix shows, but maybe you have watched them all and are looking for something fresh. If you only watch shows that come up on your ‘recommended’ then you’re missing out on a wealth of exciting entertainment from around the world. So, without further ado, here are the top 6 Netflix shows you’ve never heard of. 1 – Elite In this Spanish teen drama slash social commentary slash murder mystery, three kids from a poor neighbourhood win scholarships to attend the best high school in Spain. As a high school drama addressing themes like class, money, power,…

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Recently, the news is saturated with the information that meat farming is unsustainable, fish stocks are becoming depleted, and even many plant crops, such as soy and almonds, are bad for the environment. With all this information, it’s hard to know what you can eat without harming the planet. But these 6 foods are some of the most sustainable out there, so you can munch away guilt-free. 1. Lentils A staple of Indian and Middle Eastern cooking, lentils are a great source of fiber and protein. They are delicious in curries, stews, pastas, and pretty much anything. They also have…

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The evils of sugar have made headlines in recent years, but it is still in everything from salad dressing to pasta sauce to peanut butter. It’s true that with its high glycaemic index, sugar contributes to a risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and many other health problems. But are artificial sweeteners or other sugar substitutes really better? Here we compare different sweeteners to understand the health risks and benefits they involve. Aspartame Aspartame is one of the most popular artificial sweeteners, and like most others it is free from calories, making it a favourite of people wanting to…

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It is no question that the coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns have had devastating effects on economies around the world. Many businesses, large and small alike, are struggling during this time. But some industries are not only surviving the pandemic, they are thriving. 1. Delivery Services This one is a no-brainer. With lockdowns and general COVID safety advice, people are increasingly turning to delivery services to avoid going to crowded shops and restaurants. UberEATS, Postmates, and DoorDash are all businesses that are thriving during the pandemic. Even smaller businesses are providing more takeout and delivery services than they did before. You…

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Learn How To Create Bonds On Dating Websites Thanks to wide internet access worldwide, the ingrained culture of online dating has become so prevalent. Instead of thinking about whether to be dating online or not, people are concerned about when to start this venture. The online dating notion has brought about much discussion as it has definitely replaced the conventional ideas of dating. Rather than going to a bar and meeting new ladies there, people opt for finding them online. The Internet has given freedom of expressing desires to a full extent. Why opt for online dating? What is it…

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Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance or DMARC is an industry recommended and acclaimed standard for email authentication. Since the onset of the digital age, the internet has become the breeding ground for hackers, impersonators and threat actors who attempt at using the company domains of various small, medium and large enterprises to trick unsuspecting clients and users. This can drastically affect a company’s reputation and credibility. DMARC can protect you from brand abuse and impersonation by providing you with the power to prevent impersonators from abusing your domain name. Implementing DMARC is therefore crucial to an organization’s growth, reputation…

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Technology is all over the world. It is obvious that technology is responsible for making some if not most of our everyday activities that much easier and pleasant. Industries around the world relive and thrive on the advances that technology can offer them in order to be able to do their jobs better, benefitting themselves and customers around the world. The sports industry as many others can speak of the wonders that technology has given them in order to be on point with today’s demands. From the instant replay to even something as simple as that little yellow line sports…

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