Author: Lakisha Davis

Lakisha Davis is a tech enthusiast with a passion for innovation and digital transformation. With her extensive knowledge in software development and a keen interest in emerging tech trends, Lakisha strives to make technology accessible and understandable to everyone.

Mental health has been quite the talk of the town lately! It is high time for people to realize that there is nothing that can be achieved if one has derailing mental health. Our mental health is the core of everything, and we shouldn’t be avoiding its talk. Dealing with a mental health issue is nothing to be ashamed of, and you should have every right to deal with it and do anything which will make it better. No one should apologize for trying to fix their mental health issues! Now, when we talk about fixing our mental health and…

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When anxious, it’s good to exercise. Walking can help, too. How does it work and why? Brain Chemistry Physical activity affects your body chemistry. It’s all about hormones. When one feels in danger or uncertainty, one is under the influence of cortisol, the “stress hormone.” The more anxious thoughts, the more cortisol. It can happen even when you’re losing at Woo Casino or are late at work. Trying to calm a person down with words probably won’t work – cortisol doesn’t disintegrate just from happy thoughts. But starting to squat or engage in any other physical activity will be useful:…

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Have you ever wondered about the extensive testing that goes into the production of cosmetics? Some people wonder why it is so stringent when the industry is so developed and experienced at this point. Don’t we already know much of the effects of cosmetic products and their ingredients? Does it really take so long to test new ingredients and combinations? As any good employee of a cosmetic laboratory in Australia will tell you, there are good reasons for maintaining a strong emphasis on proper testing when it comes to the cosmetics industry. Below are the main factors that explain the…

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Have you also left Pakistan to escape the rough economic patches that have become unbearable? Financial troubles have made life difficult for the people of Pakistan while staying in the country. Most of the population remains unemployed and can’t even manage the necessities for life. The number of Pakistanis who prefer to go abroad for better employment opportunities has grown notably during the past decade. These expatriates send money to Pakistan after being employed in these distant lands. ACE Money Transfer and Bank Alfalah’s joint venture presents an unbelievable surprise for Pakistani diasporas to fulfil the dream of having their…

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You know that marketing is key to your success if you’re running an online store. But what are the best ways to market your eCommerce business? And where should you start? This guide will walk you through all the steps necessary for successful eCommerce marketing. We’ll cover everything from creating a marketing plan to using social media to drive traffic to your store. So whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this guide has something for everyone! There is a lot to know about eCommerce marketing. It’s an umbrella term that covers a huge number of strategies and actions.…

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If you are an ambitious restaurateur with a brand new business concept, who is unsure what and where to begin with? Well, it seems like now might indeed be an excellent time to plunge in. Research showed that the foodservice industry is thriving, and is predicted to reach a staggering $4.2 trillion with a CAGR of 3.6% annually by 2024. However, the idea of starting your own restaurant may seem intimidating, particularly when the standpoint for startups is grim. Research also showed that up to 90% of new restaurants fail. The bright side is that 10% succeed. So, in order…

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Is your MS Access database getting corrupted frequently? It can definitely be frustrating. Such issues can impede your productivity. Corrupted databases can make your data inaccessible. In some severe cases of corruption, it can even mean a permanent loss of your data. Hence, it becomes essential to fix your database right away. In this article, we’ll show you some ways to reduce the chances of database corruption. Split the Database One of the common reasons for corruption is the large size of the database. Typically, you don’t get any notifications when your database has more data than it can hold. But…

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If you’ve been online at all in the past few months, it’s impossible to have avoided the hype surrounding the release of Epic Games’ New engine: Unreal Engine 5. But what makes this engine so special, and why are people outside of the gaming industry becoming so interested in the software? Let’s dive in to some of Unreal Engine 5’s most exciting new technologies: Lumen As people in film and animation have known for years – when you’re trying to mimic reality, you must pay attention to light. Light is what makes a viewer aware of an object’s size, proportions,…

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Standing desks are becoming more and more used throughout many different professions. Sitting for too long is a common problem among many adults today particularly in your 9-5 office jobs when sitting at a computer for the majority of the day. Sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time can cause back/neck problems which can reduce productivity levels. People are more likely to be too comfortable and become tired with their work. This means less work may be done or to a lower standard than their capabilities. Standing desks are built to allow you to stand comfortably…

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Blockchain technology has been integrated into our daily lives in a variety of ways. One of the newest developments is the advent of NFT games that integrate non-fungible tokens into their gameplay experience. Often similar in style to non-NFT games, at least from a gameplay perspective, these games are nonetheless a new frontier in how they can impact the player. STRV Labs is working on developing a new NFT game, “Scavenger Land”, and revolutionize the way people think about the medium. The concept of “Scavenger Land” is to offer both an immersive gameplay experience with an NFT aspect that provides…

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