Author: Lakisha Davis

Lakisha Davis is a tech enthusiast with a passion for innovation and digital transformation. With her extensive knowledge in software development and a keen interest in emerging tech trends, Lakisha strives to make technology accessible and understandable to everyone.

Mobile technology has shown impressive growth owing to the proliferation of smart devices and the massive usage of internet services. Indubitably, technology innovations and advancement has shaped the future of health departments as well. Today, healthcare apps connect patients with medical specialists and doctors, halting the hurdles of endless waiting times in hospitals. Top app development companies have claimed a steep rise in app development revenue in the healthcare sector due to a considerable increase in mobile health app usage. According to studies, 93% of doctors are using mobile technology to deliver patient care. These applications allow doctors to understand…

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Running a business takes significant time and effort, but have you ever tried to sweep clean a business? If so, then you may already know that in and of itself can be a whole different level of time and effort in terms of keeping operations going. For this reason, many larger facilities often have a dedicated cleaning crew or managers who hire outside contractors to do the work. Whether you are part of the cleaning crew or you are a manager looking for the best team to hire, a lot of what goes into professional cleaning is the equipment. When…

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Reasons for Small Business Display Ads Agency Advertising online is an essential part of building up a brand identity for any small business. It is integral to reaching out to potential customers and building good relationships with existing clients. Developing an initial digital marketing strategy for your small business can be tricky at first, however, especially if you do not yet have a dedicated marketing team within your company. But, developing an effective and well-researched marketing strategy can be easy when you hire a display ads agency. This article will explain some of the ways that a display ads agency…

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An unfortunate car accident in LA can ruin your life. While nothing can undo the damage, compensation for your injuries, losses, pain, and suffering can be useful to deal with financial distress. California is a claimant-friendly, at-fault state. If you sustained injuries in a crash because of the other driver’s sheer negligence, you could sue them for compensation, even if you were at fault to an extent. The question is whether you should contact one of the car accident attorneys Los Angeles for your case. Below is an overview of the reasons to seek legal help. Understanding the Circumstances Just…

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We’ve all heard the advice when it comes to accepting a new job offer. Negotiate; don’t take the first offer. However, you may be wondering, “is it really worth my time to negotiate?” Negotiating can be complicated, and you may think there are downsides to this process. For instance, maybe your new team will think you are uncooperative, or perhaps you don’t believe you actually deserve higher compensation, or it could be the mission is more important to you than the salary. At Moonchaser we’ve spent years thinking about software engineer salary negotiation and after guiding clients through hundreds of…

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Whether you’re in your 20s and you want to get a head-start on saving money for the future or you are in your 40s and you feel like you have some catching up to do, there are various ways that you can go about investing your hard-earned money so you can watch it grow and have it there for you on a rainy day or when you are ready to retire. The tips below can help you generate some ideas when it comes to what you can do with your money instead of letting it sit in a bank account.…

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Every business requires funds to maintain cash flow during difficult times to ensure continuation of their business operations.In the current unprecedented economic scenario, Business loans can help in providing financial stability to the businesses. Quick business loans are of great help in meeting your business requirements by offering flexibility and affordability through easy prepayment options. Business loans can also help in enhancing the credibility of a business. If your business shows an upward trend in the sales graph you may also get better chances of availing larger loan amounts in the future. Here are some of the reasons why you…

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Magento today has become very popular and in demand all over the world. Programmers from different countries use the platform in their work. The fact is that this platform is one step ahead of many of its competitors. In order not to be overthrown from its pedestal, Magento needs regular updates. They help to fix problems in the functioning of the software and, of course, as a rule, simplify the work of specialists. Reasons to сhoose Magento Magento is one of the largest ecommerce platforms. Many large world companies are implementing it in their activities. There are so many reasons…

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If you’re feeling a little bit rusty in social situations, you’re not the only one. The pandemic has left many confined to our own social bubbles to the point you don’t really know how to interact with people face to face. I can heartily understand social anxiety and have come up with a simple game plan to help you get back into casual communication without your nerves getting the best of you. Of course, you should have some prepared answers to questions like ‘What have you been up to?’ – even the simplest of questions can draw blank stares. But…

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It has been nothing less than a roller-coaster ride for all of us ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. With sudden and extreme changes, businesses around the world have experienced ups and downs, the kind no one had experienced before.People all over the world have experienced the remarkable benefits of digitization, machine learning and the online world. Similarly, many businesses from different industries around the world realized how easy it can be to achieve transparency and manage data and accounting work by automating accounts payable.It’s true, the right AP Automation Software could mean a one-step solution for your…

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