Author: Lakisha Davis

Lakisha Davis is a tech enthusiast with a passion for innovation and digital transformation. With her extensive knowledge in software development and a keen interest in emerging tech trends, Lakisha strives to make technology accessible and understandable to everyone.

Many businesses have been negatively affected by the pandemic, especially businesses that deal with physical labor, such as businesses in the construction industry. This is because they can’t necessarily work remotely. Now that the world is slowly opening up again, you might want to make up for lost time by having your construction company perform better. That being said, you might not know where to start. If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading as we walk you through some steps you can take to make your construction company perform better. Look at data and statistics…

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Everyone likes watching YouTube videos. And this doesn’t come as a surprise considering it is the second most popular website worldwide after Google. Whether you want to watch your favorite music videos or comedies, you can do so on YouTube anytime, anywhere. Brands and businesses worldwide are noticing this shift, and many are now leveraging it to drive growth. But marketing your product or service on YouTube without a plan won’t get you anywhere. To ensure a successful YouTube marketing campaign, here are a few steps to take. 1. Determine Your Audience There is no way you can start a…

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According to an Accenture poll, leaders in the United States are increasingly embracing innovation as a tool to propel their businesses ahead, yet many of them have unrealistic targets and fail to achieve the desired results. According to the survey, in order to be productive, company owners must explore multiple methods to innovate, learn from their errors, and set fair goals. Just like Steve Jobs and technology speaker Steve Wozniak co-founded Apple and made it into the world’s most valuable company at over $2 trillion dollars of market value, most companies want to do the same. While 63 per cent…

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Hard money loans can always come to your rescue if you are running low on cash and still want to complete your real estate project on time. This type of loan, also known as a bridge loan, is not that easy to find. They are usually issued by private lenders and not mainstream financial institutions like local commercial banks. You can visit today if you are looking for hard money loans to finish your real estate project. When reaching out to a hard money lender, you should look out for the following pro and cons of lending money. The pros of…

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It might have seemed like an oddity back in 2009, but it seems like Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, in general, are here to stay. At least in the foreseeable future. Another industry destined to stick around is gambling. We have evidence of gambling going back thousands of years, and players placing wagers to (hopefully) win money is going strong in the 21st century where online casinos are proliferating. There was a sort of inevitability that the two industries – crypto and online gambling would collide eventually, and that day has well and truly come. Now, it is possible to find online…

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How do you measure the diagnostic ability of binary classifiers? Two popular methods are AUC ROC and Log Loss. The first assessment system, which is based on a curve, is now found in many industries from medicine to natural hazards to machine learning. Here are the basics of creating and interpreting this graph. The combination of Area Under the Curve (AUC) and Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) is a reasonable choice for many tasks involving two classes. At the same time, it has limitations, such as insensitivity to meaningful misorderings. Dasha.AI expert provides info about AUC formula calculating for machine learning…

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It is important to save money on business travel, especially for just starting. Whether you are new to the world of work or have been in the game for a while now, it’s always good to learn about new ways that will help you save some cash. Here are six ways from Mitch Zelman to drastically cut down your expenses when traveling for business purposes. Use a Hotel’s Business Center Many hotels offer their guests a business center, which usually has computers with internet access. Instead of paying the hotel for wifi access (which can be quite expensive), utilize this…

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Off-page SEO is the actions we implement outside our website to improve our rankings in the Search Engine Results Pages. This involves using SEO techniques to link and promote our websites for better reach properly. Link building is the primary off-page SEO strategy that helps improve the site’s visibility and increase traffic. Some examples of Off-page SEO include Brand mentions, Influencer outreach, Broken link building, Social Bookmarking, Social Networking, and many more, helping you improve your brand’s image using off-page activities around SEO Adelaide and other surrounding areas! What Is The Importance Of Off-page SEO? With the constantly changing Google…

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Developing mobile apps is a tough career these days, whether you work for yourself or as part of a larger team or business. The Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store are both saturated with endless amounts of drivel, a large chunk of which is self-promoted by Chinese “click farms” which can often get a useless or dangerous app into the top ten in a matter of hours. How do you compete? You might think it’s a cliché, but following the trends truly is the way to get ahead in almost every field of business and IT. Things that were…

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A photo booth is a physical space or room at an event, party, gathering, etc., where people go to take photos and videos within a time limit normally set by the owner of the photo booth. However, there are several ways to go about a photo booth. The photo booth is one of the most popular entertainment options for weddings and other parties. The days of classing up your party with boring Polaroids are over; today’s photo booths offer high-quality digital images that will be emailed to you or can be accessed online in no time. The photo booth rental…

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