Author: Lakisha Davis

Lakisha Davis is a tech enthusiast with a passion for innovation and digital transformation. With her extensive knowledge in software development and a keen interest in emerging tech trends, Lakisha strives to make technology accessible and understandable to everyone.

Side hustles are ‘gigs’ you can do to make additional money. Nowadays, it’s possible (and recommended) to have them in order to boost your income. You can choose to go online and follow your passion and still make money doing the things you love. Here are 5 suggestions on how to find additional cash-making opportunities. Play Games There’s never a better time than now to engage in gaming as a pastime or a hobby. Aside from enjoying yourself, you can also make some money in various ways. Online casinos are much like traditional land-based establishments in that they offer real…

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Instant likes on social media revolve around solid strategy and creative ideas. Now the time has changed, and it’s vital to create digital platforms for the business’s success. Generally, if we talk about social media platforms, it’s much more than Facebook, Instagram, etc. So, if you want to build your authority, you surely need a proper plan and strategy to increase sales and profits. However, if your direction is clear, you surely need to design a program that differentiates you from competitors. In simple words, a successful business requires an outstanding social media marketing strategy. But at first, it’s vital…

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The Project Management Office (PMO) is called the supportive backbone of an organisation for a reason. They are there to support your organisation through thick and thin. PMOs are the ultimate crisis management rescue team, not only for large-scale crises like a global pandemic but also for the everyday crises organisations face. From a key team member leaving to the loss of a critical supplier or even a high profile project setback, PMOs are constantly battling crises. So just how does the PMO help during a crisis? Risk Management Alone is not Enough Risk management tools and processes have developed…

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To play poker online requires a lot of attention, tranquility, patience and the desire to have fun. Otherwise, the frustration can be great when you lose a game. Because, in the end, you can’t always win and you have to know how to lose! First of all, it is important to know if you want to play poker online for fun or just to win money, although you can combine both and have a great time. First of all, it is important to know if you want to play online poker for fun or just to win money, although you…

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A large number of people are choosing the creative industry and moving to content development to make a side income. The result is- Subscription-based community platforms like OnlyFans are quickly becoming the world’s most popular website. OnlyFans is the revolutionary social platform that lets artists connect directly with their fans and charge them monthly fees for content. But that is not the only option available, adult community platforms of similar types are mushrooming due to the high demand for uncensored content. If you want to capitalize on this rising demand of the audience and support your content creation ability, you…

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The tools a business needs to run efficiently and succeed can vary from industry to industry, but there are some essential tools that can benefit most businesses, if not all of them. It’s these tools of the modern trade that we’re going to be focusing on in this article. #1 – A Business Plan It’s going to be very hard to plan on having a successful business if you don’t first put together a plan. Compiling a business plan gets you thinking deeply about every aspect of your business and enables you to form a clearer picture in your mind…

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The revenue in the beauty products segment is projected to reachUS$30m by the end of 2021. In the beauty products and personal caresegment, the number of users is expected to amount to 0.5m users by thestart of 2025. User penetration will be 22.9% by the end of 2021 and isexpected to hit 28.2% by 2025. And 17% of total market revenue will begenerated through online sales by 2023. So, in this article, we will look atthe 5 best online shopping sites to purchase Beauty Products in Bahrain. 1. Namshi We are starting our list with Namshi. Namshi was founded in…

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Delta 8 carts are a popular choice for many people who need to use a wheelchair. They allow the user to go up and down stairs that may be inaccessible otherwise. However, there have been recent reports of these carts tipping over when going down hills or ramps. After hearing about this issue, we decided to conduct an investigation into whether delta 8 carts were safe or not. Click here to read our findings and find out if they’re worth your money. What is a Delta-8 Cart? Delta-eight carts are typically used by people who need to use a wheelchair.…

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While employees like to receive financial compensation, this alone is not good enough to help you attract and retain them. Money is essential, but it is not everything you need to keep your employees happy. Remember, money can’t buy happiness. Yes, your employees expect you to pay them fairly. However, pouring more money onto their salary isn’t going to make them happy. What they want are benefits. If you want to attract and keep your employees for the long term, you will need to make them happy. This statement is all the more true if the employees you want to…

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Even though computer science is one of the most popular courses in today’s digital era, many students are still hesitant to sign up for a program. If you’re passionate about technology, and would like to get into a career that allows you to explore it, you should seriously consider computer science. While this is a complex course, you don’t have to worry about suffering alone with assignments because you can always access computer science project help if you have access to a reliable online academic service. Being a proficient computer scientist makes you a professional who can find a well-paying…

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