Author: Lakisha Davis

Lakisha Davis is a tech enthusiast with a passion for innovation and digital transformation. With her extensive knowledge in software development and a keen interest in emerging tech trends, Lakisha strives to make technology accessible and understandable to everyone.

Business, influencers and personals alike, all have a brand that we are pushing on social media. That brand is what gets people to notice you. Your brand is what you do. In a world filled with brands and brand pushers, it can be a daunting task to try and make yours stand out or always be at the top. So how do you go about creating that cut above the rest brand. Hashtag Your Brand The idea of a hashtag seems pretty redundant to the average Joe. But hashtags are incredibly important. Whenever someone does a search for your brand…

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If you are unhappy with your skin then there are few things that you can do to give yourself a more flawless skin look. Of course, regular moisturising and cleansing should happen, but besides for this very basic step, you can achieve a flawless skin look by following these very helpful tips. You do not need to be a runway model or makeup artist to achieve this. Start With A Clear Canvas The first and most important step to any face makeup is to make sure that your skin is clean. It sounds like a silly thing to even mention…

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With the rising health awareness vis-à-vis fashion, medical-grade titanium earrings now are gaining vast popularity as it is something that goes well with both the sleek fashion and health benefits. It is more so as the titanium earrings are simply the perfect choice for those who have sensitive skin as it does not cause any allergies. Since the titanium used in creating excellent fashionable earrings is also used for medical purposes like implants in restoring different parts of the human body, it is the perfect choice for fashion-conscious persons. In fact, the titanium used in making jewellery and exotically fashionable…

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The payroll is one of the essential things in any business organization; thus, it cannot be taken lightly. The employees need to be paid promptly and correctly. It can be challenging for a small business owner to understand all the processes of payroll processing and ensure that it’s done correctly. The staff needs to be paid for their work and the voluntary and mandatory deduction made accurately. Many employees go home at the end of the month without knowing how the deductions and the payroll math came about. It is essential to ask the Human Resource manager questions about your payslip to…

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There is a lot to be said about a place that is professionally cleaned on a regular basis. Customers are known to be happier, and employees are more likely to stay longer. There are just so many benefits that come from having a clean space that it becomes a way of life. If you are thinking about having your space professionally cleaned, then there are some benefits that you may want to know about from that will help you decide. You spend a lot of time creating the perfect space for your employees and customers. It would be a shame to…

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Scrum is becoming the way of the future in managing development projects and producing high performance results. By utilizing the power of coding and Scrum, businesses are able to propel their efficiency. Because of this, Scrum Masters who are well versed in Scrum are in high demand for any business that wants to boost productivity. With this high demand, now is the best time to gain a Scrum Master Certification and become a professional. Becoming a Scrum Master is a very simple process, and this article will tell you how! What is a Scrum Master? In any Scrum environment, the…

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Why Pair a social worker degree with a law degree? John L Jackson Jr. said that a masters of social work is, “becoming the 21st-century law degree.” In his article featured on Inside Higher Ed, ihe explains the clear need to pair social work and law. Students select a major based on their interests and how they feel they can land a job after school. Many schools offer joint or dual degree programs like Indiana’s University Master of Social Work/Law Degree program. You don’t need to choose between social justice and law because this program includes both. Many social worker…

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We are living in a world that has become prone to replacements. From face-to-face gatherings to Zoom/Skype calls, from dining out to being acquainted with UberEats, from physically going to malls to e-shopping groceries, we have replaced most things according to our convenience. For any individual who has considered cutting out cable TV due to the rising expenses, we have come up with a number of alternatives. First things first, if you are someone who does not want to cut ties with cable TV just as yet, you should go for bundle deals as they save you a great deal…

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Blogging is one of the most effective and cost-efficient ways for companies to build brand awareness, drive more website traffic and increase conversions. Blogging is so effective that brands that blog regularly report seeing 67% more leads every month than those that don’t. What’s more, is that more than half of all marketers believe that they’ve gained customers through their blogging efforts alone. That said, while a blog’s success directly correlates to the quality of its content, marketers’ efforts post-publication can also influence results. If you use blog writing packages, there are steps you should take after receiving your content…

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Are you from Florida and have been into an accident recently? Doesn’t matter if the answer is yes or no; you should know the laws regarding car accidents in Florida. All Florida drivers should have a far-reaching knowledge of this present state’s car accident laws on the unfortunate occasion that you’re engaged with an accident. In case you’re a new driver or need to refresh your memory since you last had a driver schooling class, you need to know these laws in Florida. Now law and order aren’t easy to handle; you need a Tampa car accident lawyer to help…

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