Author: Lakisha Davis

Lakisha Davis is a tech enthusiast with a passion for innovation and digital transformation. With her extensive knowledge in software development and a keen interest in emerging tech trends, Lakisha strives to make technology accessible and understandable to everyone.

College is a time of transition that will continuously require more of you. If you are a student entering this time of your life, it’s so important that you walk onto the campus on the first day of class with all of the tools and equipment that you need. This means buying the highest quality laptop you can get your hands on. There are a number of laptop models you can shop for, but it is critical that you hone in on those that allow you to thrive in the classroom. So what should you look for in a college laptop?…

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American families spend over $5,000 per month on average. But no matter your budget, you can always work to lower it. Whether you’re single or have a family, there are different ways to save money at home. That way, you don’t have to stretch your paycheck. Keep reading to learn about the best way to save money at home. 1. Cook More One of the more easy ways to save money at home is to cook more of your food. Ordering take out can be quick and convenient, but it adds up. Some take out meals can cost close to $20…

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Are you still using the old tactics and techniques for promoting your business? If so, you are invariably denying yourself of countless opportunities inherent in the modern ways of internet marketing services your business. You are undoubtedly hindering your brand from competing with its counterparts. Now, hear this: digital (or online) marketing is the key to business survival and growth. This is why agencies keep developing new tactics that can accelerate the growth of companies. When you choose to be stuck with old and conventional ways, your options will be limited. This is why internet marketing agencies come up with…

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Today we are a society which is driven by the digital technology. And its impact is such that there are some countries where the citizens don’t have running water or drinking water but they own smartphones. Digital marketing has created an incredible influence on the people’s interactions, their work, purchases as well as their life habits. Due to which, companies and businesses today need to have a firm grasp on how they can utilize the digital universe to maximize their brand awareness and impact with the potential customers online. Digital marketing not only involves running ads online. There’s much more…

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Are you considering investing in a work time clock, but not sure if it’s worth the time or money? You’re not alone. Many business owners hesitate to implement online timesheet software because they’re concerned it won’t streamline business operations or reduce overhead costs. The reality is, this type of software can be incredibly beneficial to businesses, both small and large, and in every sector. Common Issues Resolved By A Work Time Clock While many time clock solutions focus solely on accurately tracking employee work hours, more advanced programs provide features that can help resolve common issues that arise during the…

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Are you looking to hire a crane for your latest construction project? Cranes are expensive and investing in one may be unnecessary. Hiring a crane is often the best solution for carrying out any of your project requirements. Different cranes do different jobs. Does your project entail using a mobile “pick and carry” crane that’ll travel long distances? Then speaking to a Franna crane hire company is the right step to take. Crane hire companies operate in many countries including Australia. For Franna crane hire Melbourne companies have a lot to offer and using this service is easy once you…

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Web technologies have evolved rapidly in recent years. The emergence of the latest web technologies has ensured that companies can easily maintain and update their online applications. User experiences can be tested and the tasks at hand can be prioritized. The SDL (Software Development Lifecycles) can be well defined using web technologies.  Today, we will discuss how to hire a junior web developer.  Hiring a junior web developer can be completed in the following sequential steps: Candidate profiling – A junior web developer position is usually filled in the industry from these three profiles – self-taught certified individual, a Bootcamp…

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Botox is one of the most prominent non-surgical treatments. It is a purified kind of Botulinum toxin A. That is, when properly applied, there are no Botulinum risks. The first drug to use botulinum toxin is Botox. This toxin which is known as one of the most fatal toxins to man has over time amazed mankind with its endless medical benefits. When used in small quantities, it works wonders for cosmetic purposes. HOW DOES BOTOX INJECTIONS WORK? Botox blocks chemical signals that cause muscles to contract, weaken, or paralyze. It is not a dermal filler. Botox injections utilize the toxin…

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When you get faced with the task of choosing the company to partner with you on your SEO journey either for your business or your website, sometimes it can be an uphill task. Trusting another party to guide your online reputation and presence can be extremely hard since the entire process demands high levels of trust. When you have such a dilemma, you may end up giving up, but there are excellent companies that offer SEO services. There are some aspects and traits you need to look out for before settling on that Search Engine Optimization Company. When SEO gets…

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Imagine watching your favorite show on TV after a long tiring day, and the cable connection goes off. Wouldn’t that be devastating? Moreover, with a cable connection, you have to pay your monthly cable subscription bills, which is going to cost you a lot annually. Have you ever thought of getting a device that lets you watch literally anything you want without having to rely on a cable connection? If yes, then to your amazement, such a device exists! Yes! The TV Fix caster is a device that allows you to watch all your favorite shows on a big screen…

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