From time to time, everyone is faced with financial constraints. When a financial situation becomes unbearable, sorting out better solutions for the future can prove to be quite helpful, and the better solution could even be bankruptcy filing. While securing finances may seem daunting and complicated, having an understanding of how bankruptcy functions and what it encompasses gives you the important insight you need for better decision-making.
Picking the Ideal Bankruptcy Lawyer
Adhering to federal and state statutes can be difficult when navigating through the intricate and multifaceted structure of a case, which is why it is appropriate to hire a capable lawyer. With the assistance of the competent and knowledgeable Akron Bankruptcy Attorneys, you can be assured that your filed petitions will be complete, accurate, and timely. They can also provide direction and counsel that will assist you in filing the type of bankruptcy that best aligns with your goals and needs.
Types of Bankruptcy
There are different types of bankruptcies that can be applied depending on a person’s financial situation. For individuals, the two most preferred forms are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy:
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Liquidation bankruptcy is a financial solution for individuals with limited income and significant unsecured debts. In Chapter 7, a trustee may liquidate non-exempt assets to pay creditors, while essential possessions like homes and vehicles can be kept. Qualifying debts are discharged, providing a fresh financial start.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: “Reorganization Bankruptcy” is suitable for individuals with steady incomes who want to retain assets while managing debts. It involves a court-approved repayment plan lasting three to five years, allowing filers to catch up on missed payments for secured debts, and discharge remaining eligible debts at the end.
Businesses may also seek relief under other chapters, such as Chapter 11 for reorganization or Chapter 12 for family farmers and fishermen.
Benefits of Choosing Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy ensures a fresh start. It offers several advantages, including stopping collection actions through an automatic stay that halts wage garnishments, foreclosure proceedings, and creditor harassment. In Chapter 7 cases, qualifying debts are discharged, giving filers a clean slate, while Chapter 13 enables individuals to consolidate and repay debts at a more affordable rate. Bankruptcy also ensures a fair and structured process for resolving debt, preventing creditors from taking arbitrary action.
The Procedure for Bankruptcy
There are processes involved to be able to do so:
- Consultation: Discuss your financial situation with a qualified bankruptcy attorney to evaluate your options.
- Credit Counseling: Complete a mandatory credit counseling course from an approved provider.
- Filing the Petition: Submit a detailed bankruptcy petition, including a list of assets, liabilities, income, and expenses, to the court.
- Meeting of Creditors: Attend a meeting with your creditors, where the trustee assigned to your case will ask questions about your financial situation.
- Resolution: Depending on the chapter, debts are either discharged (Chapter 7) or a repayment plan is confirmed (Chapter 13).
Moving Forward
Don’t shy away from seeking cost-effective solutions if the burden of debt becomes too crippling to handle. Going bankrupt does not mean it is the end of the world; it is simply a new start that provides security and a path to recovery. A capable bankruptcy lawyer can help identify avenues to a better future.