Instagram is a relatively popular social media platform. Many of the users now using Instagram in their daily life, and the user is increasing day by day. In Instagram,several things need to be done across the like Instagram like, follow, stories and DM’s which can be now done in automation bot. Automation bot can spread any message and build your new cold running business to a sweet jump start and give you constant growth.
in Summer of 2019,Instagram has blocked Instagram bots by using AI technology. It is now quite challenging to find any workable Instagram bots. But one bot that I have been using over the past years, and it is serving me a pretty good job is called Instoo.

Why using an Instagram bot?
Instagram is getting s much popularity over the past years, and it is going up day by day. Now Instagram has not limited to a person; only the dog also hasan Instagram account. It is undoubtedlychallenging for a person to maintain all the accounts and target the right audience. Instagram bots do this kind of jobs just for you in an automation way. Bots interact with hundreds of real Instagram accounts on your behalf, which can send notification advertisement directly to their account. This idea is beneficial among business starters.
Which bots are safe to use?
At a time, there were many bots for Instagram. But as I mentioned before Instagram has banned all the bots. But one bot that has been continuously giving the best service and currently I am using this bot for myself. Instoo is the bot that I have been using over the past year. There are some of the key features why instoo is safe, unlike other bots available:
1.Other bots use the phones API to work correctly. But instoo doesn’t need ay kind of API s to work. So the signature key cant is found, and the bot can do its job without a hiccup.
2.Instoo uses a technology which gives instoo the access to blend with the average regular user of Instagram.
3.Like other bots instoo doesn’t use any programme to run. It uses a simple click method like any average person do on their browser. So the whole process looks like a real personal thing.
4. Instoo works based on how often you use your Instagram account. So it offloads the server based on your use case.
How to use bots in Instagram
1.By google extension
Instoo has a google extension that can be used any time while you are using the browser. To use instoo first, you need to download the instoo extension from google extension store. After successfully downloading the extension will automatically setup and ready to use. You can also download Instoo extension from google chrome webstore
2.Open instoo extension
Click on the newly added extension on the browser. The extension can be found in the topper right corner of your browser. You need to register to use instoo.

3. Setup Targeting
Add some hashtag and accounts which are associate and most relevant to your brand. You should at least 10 to get started.

4.Set the Automation Limit
For starters, set the likes and followers value to 100 in both sections. You can always increase the value in the future, but for now, 100 is a great value. Instoo will tell users stories automatically to find out their interest without being suspicious from Instagram.

5.Start the bot
After setting up all things nice, then it is time to start the bot finally. There you will find switches to start the bot instantly. After starting the bot, you will see the bot is doing its job by going to your Instagram account and do the usual things like a real person would do. So the chances of getting ban are almost zero. You can also doother things if you wish to do so in other tabs. Instoo will do all the job in the background while you are doing your daily day to day work.