Where to start for a novice web designer is a question that cannot be answered in one sentence.
In addition, for many people, the need to fit into the framework and follow the standards is akin to creative death, because it casts doubt on the ability to show originality of thinking. Want to build a successful website the first time? You can contact web design outsourcing services.
Tips for Beginning Designers
Therefore, it is worth saying right away: as practice shows, it is not necessary to show originality and originality of thinking in most cases. After all, for example, a site should be primarily functional and user-friendly. So you can forget about pretentious ideas. Better to pay attention to optimization. Therefore, when working, it is important to follow certain rules and regulations. Therefore, many eminent experts, giving advice to a novice web designer, recommend first learning how to steal other people’s ideas. After all, original solutions do not always turn out to be successful. There is always a risk of making a mistake, but it is higher if your idea has not been implemented earlier.
Today there are many successful projects that you should be equal to in terms of the chosen style, where the objects are located, what kind of buttons are, how many departments the resource has. If you decide to take specialized courses, be prepared for the fact that you will be advised to give up the obsession with reinventing the wheel. You do not need to strive to ensure that each of your projects is radically different from what users have seen before. On the contrary, many are intimidated by too innovative an approach. This reduces the efficiency of the resource.
But this does not mean at all that you need to exactly copy this or that site. The main thing is to choose a good example and bring a little of your own, unique to it. Your users will appreciate it if the site is as useful as possible. If you can solve all their problems, no one will pay attention to originality.
Follow the rules
An experienced specialist will definitely advise a novice web designer not to confuse templates. If you want to make the resource functional and user-friendly, first of all, it is better to comply with the existing stereotypes. For example, why shouldn’t the icon that reports an error be colored green? Yes, because people are used to the fact that if green is on, it means that they are doing everything right.
The moment ERROR turns green, a dissonance will occur in the user’s mind. This is exactly what an aspiring web designer needs to know.
The situation is similar with the design of elements that users use to close a window or contact a manager. Do not radically change the usual forms, otherwise you will only alienate customers. When the question arises about what an aspiring web designer needs, the best place to start is with standards. Practical application of templates has a number of advantages, the main one of which is the instant perception by the user of the information that you wanted to convey. You can think of an interface as good if your visitors only need a quick glance at an element to understand its purpose. Also, for novice web designers, it will be useful to know that the use of standard solutions allows you to avoid a number of troubles. So, the elements that we talked about above have been around for many years. They will be relevant in another five. Therefore, next year you will not have to bother with rework. But threads are fleeting. In addition, the use of familiar and familiar elements to the customer increases trust. Everything new takes time to get acquainted, but not everyone is ready to spend it. Therefore, when introducing something fundamentally new, you may face an audience churn. One last thing: think about user friendliness, not how to please your ego. All canons and standards are convenient, understandable and practical. Your customers will surely appreciate this.
Steal like an artist

But advice to a web designer, pushing for copying, for some reason is perceived negatively in most cases. And in vain. So let’s take the time to explain the difference between copying and originality. You cannot copy someone else’s idea down to the smallest detail! This is a strict taboo! You must learn to adopt only the shell, the very idea. An important stage is the introduction of something new and unique into the product. Once you master this skill, you may not be afraid of being accused of theft, but you will be able to offer your customers a quality, practical product.
We have listed general tips for novice designers that will be relevant for creating sites on various topics. But with designing websites for kids, things are different. Take a look!