Comfey, the Fairy-type Pokemon, was first introduced in the Alola region in Pokemon Sun and Moon. It has since made its way into Pokemon Go, and trainers are eager to add this cute and powerful Pokemon to their collection. In this guide, we will discuss how to get Comfey in Pokemon Go and whether or not it can be shiny.
How to Get Comfey in Pokemon Go
Comfey can be obtained in Pokemon Go through two methods: catching it in the wild or evolving it from its pre-evolution, Cutiefly. Cutiefly can be found in the wild, but it is a rare spawn. It can also be hatched from 5km eggs. Once you have a Cutiefly, you can evolve it into Comfey by using 50 Cutiefly candies.
Another way to obtain Comfey is through raids. It has been featured in Tier 1 raids, making it easier to catch for trainers who may not have access to Cutiefly in their area.
Can Comfey be Shiny in Pokemon Go?
The short answer is yes, Comfey can be shiny in Pokemon Go. However, the chances of encountering a shiny Comfey are very low. The shiny version of Comfey was released during the Valentine’s Day event in 2020, and it has not been available since then. This means that the only way to obtain a shiny Comfey is through trading with another trainer who has one.
Comfey Evolution
Comfey does not have any evolutions in Pokemon Go. In the main series games, it can evolve into Tsareena when leveled up while knowing the move Stomp. However, this evolution method has not been implemented in Pokemon Go yet.
Tips for Battling with Comfey

Comfey may look cute and harmless, but it is a formidable opponent in battles. Its Fairy typing makes it resistant to Dragon, Fighting, and Dark-type attacks, and it is also immune to Dragon-type attacks. This makes it a great choice for taking on Dragon-type raid bosses.
Comfey’s best moveset for battling is Charm and Dazzling Gleam. Charm is a Fairy-type fast move that deals a lot of damage, while Dazzling Gleam is a Fairy-type charge move that has a high damage output. This moveset makes Comfey a strong attacker against Dragon-type Pokemon.
In conclusion, Comfey can be obtained in Pokemon Go through catching it in the wild, evolving it from Cutiefly, or through raids. It can also be shiny, but the chances of encountering a shiny Comfey are very low. Its Fairy typing and powerful moves make it a great addition to any trainer’s team.