There are some jobs that almost anyone could be taught to do, and there are others that require a very specific personality that few people have. Sales is one of these jobs. For most companies, the sales team is the beating heart; they bring the money in and generate tasks for the wider team (with the help of the marketing department).
If you’ve ever worked in sales, you’ll know that some people are made for the job, whilst others simply aren’t. There’s much more to sales than simply having the gift of the gab – motivation, tenacity, and patience are all vital attributes, but they’re not the only ones.
Keep your staff turnover to a minimum and build a comprehensive, capable sales team by looking for these four key traits in every candidate you interview.
1. Approachable
First and foremost, sales people need to be approachable. They are often the first port of call for customers and they set the tone for the impression your business gives off. With this in mind, every sales person needs to be approachable. There’s a stereotype that people who work in sales are pushy and slimy, and these are the types of people you want to avoid hiring.
There’s a difference between being forthcoming and overbearing, and that difference lies in how approachable a person is. A big but not cheesy smile, a gentle demeanor, and the ability to make their presence known but allow the customer freedom and autonomy are imperative.
Someone could have all the sales related qualifications in the world, but if they’re not approachable, they won’t sell anything because customers simply won’t like or trust them.

2. Good listener
Another vital trait that not everyone has but that every sales person needs is the ability to be a good listener. Contrary to what many people think, sales isn’t about pushing the latest or most expensive product onto every customer who walks through the door – it’s about being able to listen effectively and offer up the most suitable solution.
If the sales candidate you’re interviewing seems like they won’t listen to customers and decidedly push their own agenda, they likely won’t be a good fit and won’t last long.
3. Determined
Sales isn’t an easy game. There will be days where every lead converts to a sale and the phones are ringing off the hook, and there will be days where no one wants to buy anything and sales will be all the way down. There might even be multiple days of no sales, also known as a sales slump. This is perfectly normal, but how a person deals with it will determine whether they’re a good fit for a sales role.
Ideally a sales person will have a thick skin and be able to bounce back after a dry spell, their ego and morale intact. They will be determined to do well and not let the ups and downs of sales get to them, hence why they’re a great fit for the role provided they have this nature.
4. Target-driven
Sales is about solving problems and finding solutions to issues customers may have, but it’s also about recognizing the importance of the role and being able to hit targets. Every good sales person will be able to look at targets and devise a plan on how they can hit them. If they fail, they’ll have the initiative to review their approach and see what could be changed to ensure they don’t miss targets moving forward. Targets are why sales is such a pressured environment, but the right candidate will thrive under these conditions.
By knowing these traits, you should be able to narrow down your candidate-pool effectively, as well as reduce the chances of making the wrong hiring decision.