We all know that one person—maybe a family member, friend, acquaintance, lover, or even yourself—loves to keep stuff they do not need. The perfect word for them is hoarders. You may think to yourself, “I do not hoard stuff. I do not keep stuff that I am not currently using.” However, we challenge you to check your wallet. Does it have a bulge? Is it bulky? Are there invoices that you should have disposed of inside? When you fit it into your pocket, does it look like you fit a tennis ball in it? We are guessing your answer to at least one of these questions is yes. So, let’s talk about it.
Whether you are a hoarder or not, carrying the traditional big leather wallets with all your bank cards and business cards with creased edges in your pocket throughout the week gets tiring. However, it does not have to be that way. There are other wallets explicitly designed to help you solve this problem. One is the Shuffle minimalist wallet. Have you heard of the minimalist wallet?
It was designed with a minimalist mindset of helping you have just what you need at the time. It helps you to focus more on your priorities while worrying less. A professional psychologist writing for Forbes magazine mentions that choosing minimalism suits your well-being. If you need help embracing minimalism as a whole concept, you can start with a minimalist wallet. And yeah, don’t stress; we will show how in this article. Let’s get into it!
Why should you choose a minimalist wallet?

Of course, there are several reasons, but we will focus on three reasons why you should transition from the bulky wallet tradition to a minimalist wallet. Here they are:
It can fit into your pocket without bulging.
Yes! The first reason is to prevent that annoying protrusion that your pocket has when you fit your current wallet into it. Aside from making you feel uncomfortable, it also disfigures your look. A faithful saying is that looking and feeling good go hand in hand. The Shuffle minimalist wallet prevents you from experiencing this discomfort. Before making up your mind to transition, look at the second reason.
It prevents you from developing sciatica.
When you sit on your bulky wallet regularly, you risk having a condition called sciatica. The sciatic nerve runs from your lower back through your legs. This pain comes from the sciatic nerve when it is pressed. We are sure you do not want that. Anyway, let’s give you one more reason.
It protects you from thieves.
Okay, you are asking, “How?”. Because of the sleek design of minimalist wallets, they can be in your pocket without anyone noticing. Fat, bulky wallets are easy to notice and draw the attention of pickpockets and thieves.
Now that you have reasons to switch let’s help you do it without breaking a sweat or overthinking.
How to transition from a bulky to a minimalist wallet in 4 easy steps
Free up your wallet.
Yes! Remove all your belongings from your current wallet. You must see how much stuff you have stuffed in there (pun intended). It’s a lot, isn’t it? Now, the next step might be the hard part.
Get rid of what you don’t need.
Earlier, we mentioned something about hoarders. If you are one, this is where it gets hard. You must separate what you use regularly from those you don’t (including cards). When we say get rid, we do not mean you should throw all your belongings into the bin. No! If there are cards you would not use daily, say in the last 25 to 30 days, then keep them out of your daily carriage. However, for receipts and invoices you no longer use, you can either store them away neatly in a file or let them go. See, that was not so hard.
Digitize your cards

Many services these days can be accessed digitally. If you have loyalty cards that could go digital, switch to that instead. It reduces the burden of physical cards. The same goes for other cards that you do not use regularly.
Choose a minimalist wallet.
Finally, the obvious. It seems to be the most important, but we urge you not to skip any steps. So many minimalist wallets are out there, and choosing the right one could get confusing. However, choosing a Shuffle minimalist wallet cannot be wrong. It oozes class and comfort while protecting you from information theft. It is ideal!
Leaving the bulky wallet lifestyle behind may feel like a hard decision to take, but with the right reasons and a little guidance, it is easier. We promise that choosing a minimalist wallet is a decision you will be glad you made.