One of the best ways you can make more money in life is to leverage your excellent work and years of experience to get a new position at another firm. Many times, once you have worked for a single company for a while, you will find that you are slotted into their existing structure and pay scale and there is little room for financial advancement. Even though your skills might be in demand in the open market, you’ll find that your existing company expects you to be happy with small raises and cost of living increases.
The solution is to put yourself on the market and bring your highly sought after skills to the marketplace. To do that, you will need to showcase your talents and take the right approach so you get noticed, selected and hired. To successfully navigate the application tracking systems (ATS), online screening algorithms and competition, you’ll want to work with a trusted advisor that can guide you and give you the right advice. Getting a new job is a lot more complicated than it used to be, so it pays to seek professional help with this process.
The New Dynamics of Applicant Screening
If you want to get an interview opportunity and have a chance to showcase your considerable skills, you will need to navigate the virtual roadblocks that stand in your way. To do that, you’ll need to create a resume that is fine-tuned for the application tracking systems, and gets you through the gauntlet of online algorithms too.
A polished resume also helps you make the right impression with the recruiting team, and the final decision makers. In our fast-paced world, our minds have become attuned to seeing information flash by at the speed of light. It’s estimated that you have around seven seconds to impress and catch the attention of the recruiters and those who make the hiring choice.
Creating a Winning Resume
If you want to stand out amid the crowd, you can turn to the services of a highly skilled Resume writer. They can help craft the perfect prose that will help you captivate both recruiters and those doing the hiring.
To make sure you resume sets you apart from all the others, it pays to work with a professional wordsmith. They will be able to hone in on the experience you want to emphasize, and target the right keywords. Make sure you hire a top local writer with proven results, instead of jumping at the unproven offers often found online.
Services That May Be Offered
With the proliferation of key platforms online, it takes more that just a resume to get the job done these days. Your experienced local writer can also craft your curricula vitae (CV), and create a powerful LinkedIn profile too.
They will also be able to produce a great cover letter, appropriate lists of references and thank you letters to be sent out after interviews. You may also want to retain their services for the occasional resume rewrite so you can keep everything updated with your latest experience and skills.