Solving puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy can be a magical yet challenging experience. One of the more intriguing puzzles is the Clock Tower door puzzle. This guide (Hogwarts Legacy Clocktower Doors) will provide you with a step-by-step walkthrough to ensure you unlock the secrets hidden within this mysterious door.
Understanding the Clock Tower Door Puzzle
The Clock Tower door puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy is a riddle that requires patience and a keen eye for detail. The puzzle is located in the Clock Tower, a place filled with ancient mechanisms and a rich history. To solve this puzzle, you need to align symbols with the rotating hands of the clock.
Hogwarts Legacy Clocktower Doors: Step-by-Step Guide to Solving the Puzzle
Step 1: Locate the Clock Tower

First, navigate your way to the Clock Tower within the game. It’s an impressive structure that stands out with its towering presence. Once you’re inside, make your way to the door that features a series of symbols and a clock face.
Step 2: Observe the Symbols
Take a moment to closely observe the symbols on the door. These symbols are the key to unlocking the puzzle. Each symbol corresponds to a number that you will need to decipher the puzzle’s code.
Hogwarts Legacy Clocktower Doors: Step 3: Align the Clock Hands
The core of the puzzle involves aligning the clock hands with the correct symbols. You’ll notice that the clock hands move, and your task is to stop them at the precise moment when they point to the correct symbols.
Step 4: Match the Symbols to Numbers

Each symbol on the door correlates to a specific number. It’s crucial to match these symbols to their corresponding numbers accurately. This will help you determine the sequence needed to unlock the door.
Step 5: Enter the Code
Once you have determined the correct sequence of numbers, input this code by aligning the clock hands with the corresponding symbols. The door should unlock, revealing the treasures within.
Hogwarts Legacy Clocktower Doors: Tips and Tricks
- Patience is Key: The Clock Tower door puzzle requires timing and precision. Take your time to ensure you align the clock hands accurately.
- Take Notes: Jot down the symbols and their corresponding numbers to avoid confusion.
- Explore Thoroughly: Sometimes, clues to solving the puzzle can be found in nearby rooms or objects.
By following these steps, you’ll successfully conquer the Clock Tower door puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy. Remember, every puzzle in the game is a chance to dive deeper into the enchanting world of magic and mystery.