Nicotine is an addictive drug compound found in cigarettes. Most people who are stuck in the habit of smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products struggle with quitting because of nicotine.
The struggle starts at that moment that you decide to quit, but the urge to relapse on the decision to quit smoking reaches a climax within the first two weeks. Then, your mind will start to play gimmicks with you only so that you can satisfy your body’s craving for a smoke again.
If you can break your nicotine addiction, it becomes very easy to quit smoking. There are alternative smoke products such as nicotine free disposable vapes that can help first tackle your nicotine addiction.
Consistent exposure to nicotine has a couple of disadvantages to your health. This should be the major motivation for wanting to break your nicotine addiction.
Although nicotine withdrawals last only for a short period, they are usually intense for most people. Some people always fail to abstain from it. A major part of breaking nicotine addiction may be more mental than physical, but combining helpful mental and physical tactics is the right way to break your nicotine addiction.
Tips to Combat your Nicotine Addiction
Here are some tips to combat nicotine addiction:
● Get Busy
You have to get your hands busy with different things. Ensure that the activities you choose for the first 3 weeks are intense activities that leave you no time to think about cigarettes. Ideally, you should create a list of these activities so that you will not lose steam from having to take time to plan.
● Quit the Company
Suppose you used to hang around people who smoke. In that case, you should stay away from such company until you get over your nicotine addiction. You can always warm up to them again afterwards.
● Get Support
You need people to help you fight your nicotine addiction. You need people for encouragement and accountability purposes. You can rely on your non-smoker friends and family members, or you may choose to join a support group to help you.
● Get healthy alternatives
Smoking over time causes you to develop a hand-to-mouth association. When you decide to quit, you will need to find fillers to help you manage this association. You can find healthy snack items, gums, sweets, and even fruits to help you deal with this hand-to-mouth association.
Breaking your nicotine addiction is very possible. As much as you follow these tips to help you deal with it mentally, you must not neglect deliberate physical actions until you completely defeat the urge to smoke again. You can do it. We are rooting for you.