Beating Leader Arlo in Pokémon Go can be a daunting task, but with the right strategy and team, you can emerge victorious. In this guide (How To Defeat Arlo), we’ll break down the best counters and weaknesses for Arlo’s October 2024 lineup.
Understanding Leader Arlo’s Lineup
Before we dive into the specific counters, it’s crucial to understand Arlo’s lineup. Arlo’s Pokémon can vary, but typically, he starts with one of three possible Pokémon, followed by a second and third slot that also have a set of potential Pokémon.
First Pokémon
- Beldum: Psychic/Steel-type
How To Defeat Arlo: Second Pokémon

- Mawile: Steel/Fairy-type
- Salamence: Dragon/Flying-type
- Tyranitar: Rock/Dark-type
Third Pokémon
- Scizor: Bug/Steel-type
- Dragonite: Dragon/Flying-type
- Gardevoir: Psychic/Fairy-type
Best Counters for Arlo’s Pokémon
Now that we know Arlo’s possible lineup, let’s discuss the best counters for each Pokémon.
How To Defeat Arlo: Countering Beldum

Beldum is weak to Fire, Dark, Ground, and Ghost-type attacks. Here are some effective counters:
- Chandelure with Fire Spin and Shadow Ball
- Gengar with Lick and Shadow Ball
- Garchomp with Mud Shot and Earthquake
Countering Mawile
Mawile has weaknesses to Fire and Ground-type attacks. Use these Pokémon to counter it effectively:
- Heatran with Fire Spin and Flamethrower
- Excadrill with Mud-Slap and Drill Run
- Blaziken with Fire Spin and Blaze Kick
Countering Salamence
Salamence is susceptible to Ice, Dragon, Rock, and Fairy-type moves. Try these counters:
- Mamoswine with Powder Snow and Avalanche
- Togekiss with Charm and Dazzling Gleam
- Rayquaza with Dragon Tail and Outrage
How To Defeat Arlo: Countering Tyranitar
Tyranitar has a double weakness to Fighting-type moves. Here are some powerful counters:
- Lucario with Counter and Aura Sphere
- Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch
Countering Scizor

Scizor is weak to Fire-type attacks. Consider these Pokémon for an effective counter:
- Charizard with Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Moltres with Fire Spin and Overheat
- Heatran with Fire Spin and Flamethrower
Countering Dragonite
Dragonite has weaknesses to Ice, Dragon, Rock, and Fairy-type moves. Here are some strong choices:
- Glaceon with Frost Breath and Avalanche
- Lapras with Ice Shard and Ice Beam
- Gardevoir with Charm and Dazzling Gleam
How To Defeat Arlo: Countering Gardevoir
Gardevoir is weak to Ghost, Steel, and Poison-type moves. Effective counters include:
- Metagross with Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash
- Gengar with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Steelix with Iron Tail and Heavy Slam
Final Tips
To maximize your chances of defeating Leader Arlo, make sure your Pokémon are at their highest possible CP and are equipped with their most effective movesets. Additionally, don’t forget to utilize shields wisely to protect your team from Arlo’s charged attacks.
By carefully selecting your counters and understanding Arlo’s weaknesses, you’ll be well-prepared to take him down and claim your rewards.