Cleaning, matching and deduplicating data is an essential part of any business’s data management process, as it helps to ensure accurate and up-to-date data. It is important to ensure data is in a consistent format across all sources. To do this, you can use a tool such as a Data Ladder or fuzzy match to identify potential duplicates, manually review any potential duplicates identified by the software, and run basic cleansing operations such as removing punctuation marks from text fields or converting numerical values into consistent formats.
How does data matching and deduplication help improve data accuracy?
Data matching and data deduplication are two essential processes that help improve data accuracy. Data matching is the process of comparing two or more sets of data to identify similarities between them. This helps ensure that all records in a database are accurate and current. Data deduplication, on the other hand, is the process of removing duplicate records from a dataset. This helps reduce errors caused by redundant information and ensures that only unique records remain in the database. By combining these two processes, organizations can ensure that their data is correct and reliable. This can help improve decision-making, customer service, marketing campaigns and overall business operations.

Best practices for data cleansing, matching and deduplicating projects
First, you should create a plan that outlines the project’s goals and how they will be achieved. This should include details such as which data sources will be used, what criteria will be used to match records and how duplicate records will be identified and removed. Then you can begin collecting data from all relevant sources. It’s important to ensure that all data is standardized before being combined into one dataset. This means ensuring that all fields use the same format and removing any unnecessary information from each record. After this step is complete, you can match records using your predetermined criteria and identify duplicates. Finally, once duplicates have been identified they must be removed from the dataset in order to ensure the accuracy of your results.
Can artificial intelligence tools be used to enhance the accuracy of data?
Absolutely! Artificial intelligence (AI) tools can be used to enhance the accuracy of data cleansing, fuzzy match and deduplication processes. AI-based algorithms can detect patterns in data and potential errors or inconsistencies more quickly and accurately than manual methods. Additionally, AI-based systems can learn from their mistakes and become more accurate over time as they gain experience with different datasets.