Garbage and waste management services are convenient for everyone except other drivers on the road. Many drivers become frustrated or even angry because of the frequent stops these truck drivers make on their daily routes. Unfortunately, some auto drivers aren’t interested in ways to stay safe, and they are more concerned with getting around the trucks and avoiding being late for work. Read these tips for keeping safe while driving near garbage trucks.
Maintain a Safe Distance from the Garbage Truck
All drivers must remain at a safe distance from the garbage truck to avoid accidents and property damage. The trucks are often bulky and don’t present clear views for the drivers, and surrounding drivers are advised to maintain at least two car lengths between their vehicle and the garbage truck. Contact an attorney if you are involved in a wreck with a garbage truck.
Make Sure the Driver Sees You Before Passing
Before a driver attempts to pass the garbage truck, they should make eye contact with the driver or the workers around the truck. In some areas, garbage truck drivers will help other drivers pass the vehicle without causing an accident. However, auto drivers shouldn’t expect the same courtesy everywhere. Garbage truck drivers have a lot going on around them while picking up trash receptacles and use mechanical arms to lift the trash cans. Unless a driver sees the truck driver responding to them, they should be cautious when trying to pass.
Remain Calm Around The Trucks
In heavy traffic, a lot of drivers develop road rage when waiting for garbage trucks to move out of their way. Unfortunately, road rage can lead to an auto accident as these drivers become impatient and try to navigate around the garbage trucks and other cars. Traffic experts recommend remaining calm and patient. The garbage workers are just doing their job and aren’t trying to make anyone late. Flaring tempers lead to serious accidents and ruin everyone’s day.
Pay Close Attention to Traffic Around the Truck
Safety tips for walking or driving around garbage trucks recommend paying close attention to the traffic around the trucks. Auto drivers and students loading onto school buses must watch the automobiles around them to avoid hazards. Garbage trucks, like school buses, make frequent stops, and some drivers around them will not obey traffic laws. These circumstances place everyone at risk.
Do Not Drive Around the Curb Side
In country settings, some drivers get so annoyed with garbage trucks that they try to drive around the right side of the garbage truck. What they don’t understand is that this is illegal. Secondly, there are too many blindspots for the truck drivers, and they may not see the vehicle in time. As the mechanical arm is extended to lift trash cans, the drivers cannot see cars to their right, and these traffic violations could lead to serious injuries and property damage for all parties involved.
Each week traffic backs up as waste management and garbage drivers complete their routes in the area. For many drivers, these truck drivers stand between them and getting to their destination as quickly as they want. Under some circumstances, this need for speed leads to accidents and injuries because these auto drivers are so impatient. Call an attorney if you are involved in a garbage truck accident.