Whenever you purchase a new car, you have to get a car insurance for it. So that in future if you have an accident and the car was damaged then you can claim money for the damages through car insurance. But how can you claim it? What is the procedure for a car insurance claim? Do we need a car accident attorney for it or not?
All your questions will be answered in the article. It is not necessary for you to have a car accident attorney but if you have one then it will make the work easy for you as they can do all the paperwork for the procedure. But you can also do that with the attorney as well.

Steps for Car Insurance Claim:
Below mentioned are five steps which you need to follow:
- Inform the insurance company
First and foremost, thing you need to do after the accident is to call the insurance company. You need to tell them about the accident and the damages the car might have suffered. Give them all the details regarding the accident as well.
- Inform the police
Next thing after informing the insurance company is, to inform the local police about the accident. You can file a FIR against the person responsible for the accident.
- Record all the details
You need to record details regarding the accident, details about the car, the driver and the witnesses for the accident in your FIR. Make sure that no details are left to record in the FIR.
- File the claim
After that you need to file all the paperwork and documents with the car insurance company. So that you can claim compensation and also ask them to survey the car for all the damages and evaluate the loss suffered by you. All the document which are mentioned below should be included in this as well.
- Submission
Last thing you need to do is submit your paperwork for the compensation claim, you can submit it in person or online as well. Though not many insurance companies provide online submission facilities. So, check if your insurance company does, so you can submit online.
Documents required for Car Insurance Claim:
- Copy of your insurance policy
- FIR filed with the police
- Filled up and signed Claim Form
- Copy of registration certificate of your car
- Copy of your driving license
- Detailed estimate of the repairs
- Medical receipts (if you suffered any physical injuries during the accident)
- Original copies of other expenses incurred
You need to file all these documents for the Car Insurance Claim after the Accident. You can file it as soon as you can, so that you have enough evidence about the accident. Keep this in mind that before making a claim you need to also evaluate the situation and make a thorough check of your car and yourself after an accident.
Fill out all the details carefully in the claim form, so that you don’t miss out any details. If you have a car accident attorney then you don’t need to do all this, he will do all this paperwork and documentation for you.